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Wow, scientists have actually cloned a cat! I don't know how I feel about that. There are so many dogs and cats that no one wants...how can we add more? Plus, I mean, God, I loved Liesl and I miss her so much, but I would be so entirely freaked out to have a Liesl CLONE running around my house. That seems wrong to me...it's not her, but it is, and yeah. Disturbing. Too X-Files, without the Mulder. But I saw on the news last summer that they were working on cloning cats that would be hypo-allergenic. And I went "WHEEEEEE!" Because I love cats...I love cuddling them, playing with them, watching them, everything, and I am so highly allergic to them. So it would be wonderful to have a cat I wasn't allergic to, but at the same time, I don't know how comfortable I would be having a cloned kitty. It's amazing that it's possible to have this going on, though, that this can actually be a real debate.

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