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Sarah and Brad

Sarah's engaged!!! Kate, Aarti and I were in Kate's room watching men's skating when Sarah came home from dinner with Brad. She managed to keep it quiet for about 20 minutes before Aarti saw the ring. <.g> We were all screeching and screaming and hugging and stuff. LOL So much so that we totally missed the hot Russian skating 6.0s. LOL (I'm totally in love with him, BTW. He was full out sobbing after he finished skating, and I just wanted to hug him. Among other things.) But she's engaged!! I am so excited for her! What an awesome, awesome day for her.

But it does beg the obvious point that while one person in our apartment is engaged, three have never had boyfriends. <.g>


one of my good guy friends recently got engaged and as happy as i was for him, i could help buy think that it was the end of an era, so to speak. marriage! i remember when that was a game we used to play.

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