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I think this is Mercedes McNab on Dawson tonight. It kinda looks like her, and definitely sounds like her, but I missed the first few minutes with the guest stars list. if it is her, I am SO impressed...completely not Harmony at all. She's older and more mature, and nailing every single scene, putting Katie Holmes to shame. Quite an excellent job.

Meanwhile, I'm super sleepy. I read my stories and I read a chapter in my 376 course pack. That's it...I give up. No more tonight. I need a break. I get a night off now. Watch me waste it by going to bed at 9. LOL


i thought dawson was awful last night! ugh! i wanted to take the gun from the megger and kill joey myself! as if she would have had the balls to have said half of those things to a guy who was threatening to blow her head off. puuleeese!!!!

*g* Let me clarify...I managed about 10 minutes in the first half, with the stupid mugging incident. It was ridiculus. So I watched 15 minutes of Moll Flanders. Then I turned Dawson back on, saw Mercedes, and was blown out of the water. Then the stupid mugger asked for Joey, and it got really stupid again. So I agree, the episode was pretty pathetic. But I loved Mercedes. LOL

I went over to thweb.com to see if it said anything about MM's appearance, and it didn't list her as a guest star.... so I'm curious now if it was really her!
I didn't see, you just had me curious!

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