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more lotr

Again, I have to ask....is this good? LOL I'm not so sure from the description. <.g>

Who's your Fellowship fella?
I love to FROLIC with the elves.

So you like the pretty boys. And if there's any boy prettier than the rest, it's Legolas. Sure, he may also be a little girlier than the rest, but that's what you want, right? Smooth, beautiful love-making the way only a woman could do it. Or a really faggy elf.


I'm really surprised that you haven't seen this movie yet. For some reason, I think you would like....

I don't get to see that many movies. I saw On the Line, I saw Harry Potter, and that's about it for this past school year. Usually I can get to some kid's movies with mom and Josh, but I haven't even been able to get to any with them. *shrug* It sucks, but I have no way of getting there and no one to go with. So I don't go.

Rina, you NEED to see this movie. Soon. I can't keep on like this. I NEED to share the in-jokes with you. If you really want to see it, you go alone. What's the problem? I went to see A Beautiful Mind last night alone and it was all good. *g*

Believe me, I'd go with you if I could.

That said -- getting Legolas is a good thing. Millions of Orlando Blom fans can back up my statement. ;) But yeah, you got a great character! The description is *meant* to be bitchy, and you'd appreciate it more if you saw the movie... :-/

Well, there's still the "getting there" portion of the problem. *g* At home, I can pretty easily get to at least the dollar theater, but here there's a complex system of buses that I generally refuse to put up with. And can't, now that I lost my ID card and would have to pay for it. LOL

And LOL! Okay, I shall my happy with my faggy elf, and wait until I can see the movie to really appreciate it. *g*

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