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what have I done?

This has been a pretty productive unproductive night. Or is that an unproductive productive night? I can't tell. I didn't want to study, so I pulled out my reading for EdPsych tomorrow and realized, half way into reading about IDEA, that I was reading about IDEA, and oh shit, I have to present on IDEA when we read about it. <.g> So I wrote down a page of stuff to talk about tomorrow. Then I organized all my papers for that class into a folder, because I've been stuffing everything into my notebook, and my notebook was now twice the size it should be. Then I pulled out my linkage assignment for that class with the intent of doing it, but didn't. I just don't know what to write...I don't know what biases I have that could impact my teaching style. There are things I don't *know about, like I don't know much about other cultures and religions, but if I was in a classroom and saw that I had kids from other cultures and stuff, I would go out and learn. That's not really a bias, though. I'm not opposed to learning about new things and integrating them into the classroom, and heaven knows that I have no problems about inclusion. LOL So I don't know what to say for that. And the other question is about how cultures and biases affected my own education, and again, I just don't have a clue how to answer. He talked about how he had all males for math and science and all females for English classes, and that affected students based on gender roles. Well, all but 2 of my science teachers have been female, I never had a male math teacher, I had more female gym teachers than male, and my language teachers were fairly equal. So I don't think gender roles really affected me, and I'm not sure what else there is. Religion, maybe, but half the time I was in Catholic school, and so we were all kinda the same religion. <.g> The rest of the time, gosh, I don't even think I ever considered it. Even in public school, I was in WS, and it was all pretty much Catholic and Protestant. Not much variability...I got that online and in my family. (Pretty much each branch of my family is a different religion, from mormom to jewish to wicca.)

Okay, now I'm just babbling. LOL Sorry 'bout that. <.giggle> What on earth was I talking about in the first place? Oh, so I did most of my EdPsych stuff. Then I made an error page for s-d...it's kinda big, but it's cute. You can check it out by just randomly going to a page that doesn't exist here. And since I pretty much just have this page up, odds are you'll stumble on it by adding anything, like your name.html or something. LOL And then I had no choice but to start reviewing, and it's not going well. I just can't keep on task. Witness the above RAMBLE of a post! LOL Oh, but I found that story I was looking for...it was on my clipboard with my 385 review sheets. <.giggle> I'd pull it out and work on it, but I don't think I'd get much done. I'm too scattered. And I need to study. But it's all going *whoosh* over my head. Or through my head, maybe. Not sticking. A lot of this is stuff we learned in Dr. W's class freshman year (or was it sophomore?), so I kinda know it, but I would like a better grasp of it, and it's not happening so far. But it's MC, only 40 questions, and I did go to class. And read the book. And did the study guide, and review game thingie. And the project. So some things had to have stuck, right? Enough that I'd get it if I saw it? This is what I'm hoping.

AUGH! I'm hyper and alone and rambly and I have NO clue what I'm saying, but I want to be doing something, and I don't consider studying to be something right now. But I don't know what is. But hey, at least I'm not tired still. So that's a plus. I think. At least if I was tired, I could do something, go to sleep.

Okay, this post has lost all redeeming value. I apologize for it. <.giggle> Time to go away now. (And geez, just imagine if I'd opted for caffeine and not water to drink tonight. Now that would have been scary.)

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