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I just watched City of Angels for the first time...great movie. Intense, and sad, but somehow still uplifting for it all. Even though mom ruined the ending. <.g> Heaven knows I don't mind spoilers or knowing endings, but I generally like to ask for them first. LOL Ah, well. It was a good movie.

Today, we took Josh swimming. When we were getting out of the car, he found a cassette I had left in there to listen to...the mix one Krissy made me several years ago. One side is Kurth and Taylor's Nashville album, and Josh is in love. LOL I've been hearing Wally sing all afternoon. <.giggle> My boy's got taste! He's never listened to country before, so this is a good way to start him. I also let him borrow my copy of nsync's Making the TOur, and while he hasn't watched it yet, he's been carrying it with him all night. He's such the cutie pie!

I swear there was other things I meant to say, but I'm totally blanking. <.g> I was falling asleep during CoA, and now that I have on Model Behavior on Disney, I'm not feeling much awaker. LOL Certainly not the most brilliant of movies, but there's nothing else on. I already saw this Trading Spaces, and Hildy scares me. LOL

Time to see if I can make s-d's webmail work. LOL


did the webmail work for you? I hope so :)

I really need to watch that movie again - its a good one, but I only saw it once!

and ha ha, I love that CD! :) Wally is just awesome!

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