Well, 10 hours later and I'm much calmer. Rereading the post, it's almost really funny, as Miggie and I had just been talking about wanting to swear like Samuel L. Jackson. I think I'm getting closer, Miggie.
I'm still pretty upset, but look! I can type again. I just think the whole situation sucks. And I can be mad that my schedule is getting all screwed up, because I can't be mad at the staph infection. Oooh, I can be mad at the hospital, though! That can be my next target.
And honestly, how am I able to login as rinas and not rina or rina stewart? I still have four authors on my blog...Kristine, Kate, rinas, and that leaves the main one open to be me! So I do still exist. I just can't login as me, even in Kate's room, which is utterly confusing. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong, like not properly capping/uncapping my pw. Not out of the realm of possibility. <.g>
So. I have no idea when my dad is coming, or if he's still coming, because no one has called me since the lovely 11pm debacle. (For which I really do need to appolgize to my mom for...I feel bad that I potentially deafened her with my shrill protestations. <.g>) But before then, I need to eat breakfast and start studying. I'll bring all my notes home, and I already e-mailed myself all the links for both papers (although I already see myself skipping the first MI rough draft duedate and turning it in the 11th instead). I warned my parents that coming home means they won't actually be seeing me, as they will be seeing me Wednesday night through next weekend, whenever Kate drives back.
But, hey. Tomorrow is Easter. This, right along with Christmas, is the season of miracles...just look at why we're celebrating. So you never know what will happen, right?
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