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schedule part 2

Well, I stayed ahead of schedule until noon, when it all fell apart. LOL One of my day book entries is to write a fanfic, so I started looking for one of mine to copy. LOL I came up on a scene from For All Time, but it it takes so long to write out by hand! LOL I ended up only doing about 3/4 of the scene...it was a workable stopping space. <.g> (I did the scene where Maple and Scott realize they're in 2001.) But yeah, that took until well after 12, when I was supposed to start working on 386. But I figured I'll just postpone 386 until tonight and do my second day book entry, which is constructing a life about someone who placed a personals ad. <.g> Should be interesting, I guess.

At some point, I also have to start working on my MI paper. But something tells me that I won't really get that done yet. The rough draft is due next Thursday, but it's only peer review, not handing it in. So I'm sure to do a few pages next Wednesday. LOL I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed with my papers...I don't have many. I have 2, I think. This and 376. So I really shouldn't be freaking out...nothing is due until late April and May. But still I feel the need to get started, and I feel like I don't have enough time to do it all. Someone remind me to relax? <.g>

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