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Last night, I set a schedule for myself today. It started with 7:20 - WAKE UP. <.g> I figured that was an important first step. But the really important thing here is that it's 9:49, and I'm actually running 11 minutes ahead of time. I'm quite pleased here. LOL

Meanwhile, I'm really missing my mail...YG is apparently still down. I got one g-w mail this morning, and one Giles mail, but that's it. Extremely annoying.

What's left on my list:
write up a reflection on my "conversation" with Kristine
write at least 2 Daybook entries
start MI paper
start 386 review sheet (It's always exciting to look at a midterm review sheet and already know more than 50% of the things, but that other 50% still needs to be learned. <.g>)
Buy stamps
Mail things

This is doable, right? <.g> I've got four hours. Ready, set, GO!

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