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I was flipping through channels randomly, not wanting to get out of my warm bed, when I hit AMC. And it's Paris When it Sizzles!! That's the movie on my Amazon wishlist, that so rarely airs. And it's on, and it's the start! I think this is a fun movie...William Holden is a script writer who has two days to write the movie "The Girl Who Stole The Eiffel Tower," and Audrey Hepburn is the woman he hires to type it as he dictates. And as he dictates te script, often revising, we see the movie he's writing. Which is super fun when he revises, because we see the changes happening, as it switches from night to day, as he changes the car from a Mercedes to a Bentley. LOL So it's like two movies in one, and both are quite amusing, I think. I wish I had known it was on, so I could tape it! I guess I'll just watch as much as I can before class.


You're watching AMC!!! For Shame!! A pox on you!

*shrug* They show good stuff sometimes. Like the night they did their documentaries on gay Hollwood. Those were pretty neat. Plus, I didn't see ANY commericals during this movie. That made me happy. *g*

Phooey.. that was supposed to be sarcastic.. but the *teehee* didn;t show up. :-) I hope you realized I wasn;t serious! LOL

LOL! Yes, I did...it came through in my e-mail notification. *giggle* Besides, I would have known anyway. *g*

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