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barbie quiz

From Meegan. <.g> I saw this coming, so I kinda influenced my results a bit. But I do collect things for my current obsession, and I would join an nsync fan club. In fact, well, kinda did. LOL So.

You are the NSYNC #1 Fan Barbie! You are in your teenybopper stage and quite possibly still have many barbies or took this quiz in order to figure out which barbie to purchase next. You are too young to be randomly surfing sites online. Be careful.

What's REALLY funny is that I took it again, taking out my nsync answers. And got THIS, of all things.

You are Harley Barbie! You don't asocciate with "sophisticate" barbie and never "nsync #1 fan" barbie, but you know who your friends are and you do what you want. Plus, you have a kick ass motorcycle.

WTF? LOL! Oh, well. <.g> I honestly don't know how I got that one...leather jacket, maybe? LOL I thought I was heading more towards Presidential Barbie, to be honest. <.g>


i was thinking of your answers as i took the quiz you crazy cat, hehe. when i took it a second time i got the biker babe barbie too. we need to come up with our own :)

LOL! I'm kinda predictable, aren't I? *g* I really am kinda curious as to how we ended up with Biker Barbie, though. LOL
And we so definitely need to write our own! Any ideas?

it is that bad ass within that is screaming to get out, hehe ;)

We're rebels at heart. *g*

werd! *g*

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