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Lab was actually interesting today! I am so in love with the VisiPitch, which is a diagnostic/therapy computer program that helps with some voice disorders. Seriously, totally excited about it! I wanna use it. <.g>

Also checked my 383 grade...I got a B+ on the exam. One freaking point from an A. AHHHHHHH! Urgh. So I'm getting a B in the class. Maybe my last test can punch me up to an A-, but I'm not too optimistic. I'll take a B. LOL

This weekend is mom's weekend....I think I'm the only one here who's mom *isn't coming. <.g> Kate's and Aarti's are...didn't ask Sarah. When my mom learned about it, she was like, "I don't have to come, do I?" In a kind of whiny tone. <.g> Of course she doesn't, and honestly, I'd rather she didn't, but she could be a little nicer about it. LOL Let's see...what do I need to do this weekend?

clean room
clean bathroom
type up SOMETHING (anything) about my project and e-mail the MI paper to Aekyung to peer edit.
Find my workshopped stories
Stop giving Krissy TMI (<.giggle>)

find more articles on feedback
read articles on feedback
outline paper on feedback
write at least intro on paper on feedback

write at least two pages on paper on feedback
write summary on last two 386 articles

write at least two pages on paper on feedback

Heaven help me.

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