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ideal nsync sex partner

I do so love when I get my boy without even trying. <.g>

Lance is my ideal NSYNC sex partner

who's your ideal NSYNC sex partner? find out here
unnecessary quiz by mmmmmriley

(And, yes, there's a reason why there are six answers when nsync has five members. <.eg> Love it!! Wish I had gotten it. Krissy knows why....)


Oh my goodness. Do you realize that I had to do a whole bunch of combos just so I could see what you were talking about?! LOLOL! Bad, bad!!! But I definitely guessed that it had to be someone with L, just didn't know which one :giggle:

LOLOL!! That's so funny. *giggle* So who did you end up with before you had to keep trying to get the special answer? LOL

Lol I didn't even *notice* that there were six options, but I had been wondering a little bit about some of the answers as I went along. Ha ha. The picture's cute. *g*

oh rina! you worry me so :)
this is just proof that you and lance are meant to be.

LOL!! Yup, it is, Meegan. *giggle* Especially since even when I did go back to change one answer, I still got Lance. LOL

Oh, LOL, I wasn't really trying because I couldn't seem to keep a straight face while picking so I was randomly picking options. LOL!

LOL!! You're so cute. *g* You should give it a real try, though. LOL

Hee! I got JoLa without even trying...

LOL!! I wish I'd gotten JoLa. *g* But hey, with the way the questions portrayed Lance, I'm not gonna complain. Because I bet he'd let Joey in anyway. LOL

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