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Joey on TRL

Ack! I didn't know today was Joey's day on TRL! So I didn't get the first segment on tape. <.pout> It was the funniest, too...apparently Brianna has three words. Mama, dada, and something Joey can't say on television. LOL! That poor child, she apparently swears a lot. <.g> They also showed a clip from that realnsync video from their early days...it was Justin and Chris tormenting Lance, who was sleeping with his eyes open. LOL Pretty cute...I really, really, really want it now. LOL Aarti said they talked a little about Lance going into space, too, and that Justin goes out the least and Lance the most after concerts. Oh, and JC and Emmanuelle are not dating. <.g> I really wish I'd seen all of it! Things got a bit messed up because I'm taping GH in my room, so we had to try and make Kate's VCR tape (on my tape, Kate, don't worry. <.g>) it worked, and I don't think we missed much of the second segment. LOL But yeah, wish I had gotten the first.

I only saw a few scenes of GH today, which was the 10,000th episode and all flashbacks, but every single one made me go "AWWWWW!" Except the "EWWWW!" when I saw that they apparently replaced the Fascination song from Luke and Laura's dance in Wyndhom's department store with Enya's Only Time. <.shudder> Ew. Even if it was just a short clip in a montage, you let Fascination play in that scene. End of story. <.g> But Ned and Lois on their honeymoon at Coney Island...Robin and Stone as Romeo and Juliet...Sonny and Brenda on the beach of Puerto Rico...they made me so very very happy. I can't wait for Jennie to get home so we can watch it!!


There were even a few Jax and Brenda scenes :) You have to admit, you liked them then!! ;)

Thanks for telling me about it, it really was cool, even though it really turned on the crying for me!

Yep, I totally loved Jax and Brenda back then. *g* They were fun.

I'm glad you liked it! I remembered so much of it...half the fun is shrieking out, "Robert and Anna! Robin and Stone! Blackie and Lou!" LOL Mom and I plan to watch it together when I go home. But the BJ and Maxie bit made me cry...I was hoping they'd show it, but didn't think they would. I remember those scenes so vividly, though. I was telling Jennie what they'd do before they did it. *g* I miss my show...back when it was so good.

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