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love test

Got this from Miggie, who said it was dead on. She was right...very cool indeed. My results are off the page, so don't check them until after you take it. : )

Love Test

What kind of person you'll be attracted to in real life situation..
D. Horse - those are unbridled, untrammeled, and free

In the process of courtship, which approach would make you feel irrisistable...
B. Lion - straight-forward, just tell you he (she) loves you

What impression you would like to give to your lover...
A. Dog - loyal, faithful, never change

What incident would cause you break up with your partner which character you hate most...
C. Crocodile - ruthless, cold-blooded, ironic

What kind of relationship you would like to build with your partner...
D. Bird - you care not only about present but future with your partner, a long-lasting relationship that you can grow with

Would you commit adultery...
A. Human - you care about the society and morality, you won't do anything wrong after marriage

What do you think about marriage...
B. White Tiger - you think of marriage is a precious thing, once you get married, you'll treasure it and your partner very much

At this moment, what do you think of Love...
A. Lion - you always thirst of love, you can do anything for it, but you won't fall for it easily


what a fun quiz! thanks.

You know what's even scarier? We got the exact same answers, soulsista. Except for the last one, where I got the Pigeon, that simbolizes love as a commitment for both parties.

That is pretty scary! But also pretty cool. *g*

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