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some dreams and more

I had the oddest dream last night. LOL MA and I were playing Super Mario World, but instead of using controllers to play, you were actually in the game playing. The first three levels were a blur, but then we goy to Iggy Koopa's castle, which was so organized. LOL There were all these people around, telling you where to line up and all that stuff. <.g> Then suddenly, daddy was there with me, and we were outside Iggy's chamber, watching the person ahead of me battle him. There was a door right next to it labeled "phobia exit" which you could only use if you had a phobia. I saw them fighting in the room, realized I wanted no part of it, and we ducked down the phobia exit. LOL It was so bizarre! But kinda fun. <.g>

Well, I did my two pages yesterday, so now I need two pages today. Only one class, so I can research this morning, and write this evening. Sounds pretty manageable, I hope. LOL On to proprioceptive feedback! Yay.

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