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I (heart) Border's!! Got many fun things. Wheeee! Things to read!! Romance novels and WW2 spy thrillers! I'm bizarre.

My Miggie-dear is having a birthday tomorrow! Actually, by her, it's today. So Happy Birthday, sweetie!!!! I hope you have a lovely day. {{{HUGS}}}

Dominic wants me to have sex with Damien. He keeps giving me advice. I'm going, "ACK!" And probably blushing a lot, too. LOL But he has it all planned out for me. At least he sees me as someone sexual, I guess. More than Damien ever demonstrated. But does he have to be forcing me off on another guy? LOL

Ran into my old boss on Friday. She kept staring at my notebook on my lap. Where I was writing JC/Chris stuff. With mentions of Justin. Hopefully she didn't make the connection, as last summer I was fairly vehemently anti-sync. LOL But it was quite the awkard conversation. I almost asked her how Jess was doing. Jess being the girl who took what was supposed to be my job. <.g> But I didn't.

What else is happening? Not much. At work, I got this one little boy to giggle and laugh. He doesn't really do either, except at innapropriate times (when he's in trouble, when someone gets hurt, etc). So I liked that. I love being around the kids. We did face painting the other day. The kids were supposed to be clowns, but no one wanted that. So D ended up doing a lot of power rangers (most of the boys went to him) and I did a lot of jewelry, flowers, and hearts (most of the girls went to me). It was really amusing. <.g> He kept laughing at me, because I would be like, "A flower? Sure, I can actually draw that!" LOL Super fun afternoon.

Feel like pulling out old tapes. Wanna see Space Cowboy in Madison Square Garden. Wanna watch "The Xena Scrolls" episode. Want some slash. Want Sports Night. Which is coming out on DVD in November!!!!! Both seasons in one package. I'm ecstatic. But sadly, it's after 11 and I don't have time to watch everything I want to. Because I also want to read. Three new books. ::beam::

My Jennie-girl is coming to me again!!!!! Kate, we're having a guest in September, if that's okay with you. : ) She'll come for a few days before flying to NY to see Joey in Rent. I am so excited!! I had so much fun with her in just one day....all the talking about nsync and baseball and nsync and stuff and nsync. <.g> Imagine the damage we could do in 3-4 days. LOL Especially since, oooh, there could be drinking. We could write super fun stuff after a few drinks, right, dearie? LOL

I feel like playing the Sims. Maybe I'll pull that out before going to bed. I still feel completely behind in all my dailies, but oh well. I'll have time again come fall. : )


"Dominic wants me to have sex with Damien. He keeps giving me advice."

That's SO wrong in SO many ways. LOL.

And thanks for the card and the good wishes, babe! {{hugs back}}

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