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writing survey

Gacked from various LJs. Quite fun.


1. First fanfic you've ever read? It was something GH. Most likely Robin and Stone.
2. When? 1995
3. Last fic you've read before doing this survey? Jennie's Bassez Kink
4. When? Five minutes ago
5. First fanfic you've ever written? Robin and Stone's Wedding
6. When? June 1995
7. Last fic you've finished? My Funny Valentine
8. When? June 8
9. How many fandoms have you been involved in? Writing: 7 (Buffy, Dawson, GH, HP, WENN, XF, nsync). Reading: Far more (Silk Stalkings, WW, SN, Xena, ER, BSB, etc etc) <.g>

II. Here and now

9. How many different stories are you currently writing? Oh, MAN. LOL I count 16 files in Word. There may be more.
10. In how many different fandoms? 5 - HP, Buffy, XF, WENN, nsync
11. Will you finish them all? Probably not. I hope to, though.
12. Do you jump from fic to fic, or pick one and stick to it till it's written? I used to write one and finish it, but now I jump.
13. How many fandoms do you consider yourself interested it at the moment? Ummm, definitely nsync. To a lesser extent, also HP, WW, SN, and Xena.
14. How many of them would you say you're actually obsessed about? Only one.

III. Favorites and preferences

15. Favorite fandom? Right now, nslash. <.g> Before this, Buffy.
16. Least favorite fandom you've ever been involved in? WENN. GRRRR.
17. Number of authors who've made you cry with their stories? Not sure, actually. Jennie has.
18. Most memorable line/paragraph you've ever read in a fic?
Uhhhh, not sure. Pretty much all of Coldhearted is memorable. I can quote some bits from memory. <.g>
19. Favorite line/paragraph you've ever written? I'm supposed to like things I write? LOL Okay. This is from my WENN/X-Files crossover, wherein this is Mulder in Scott's body, in 1941.

"Mr. Sherwood? I'm Nate Daniels, from Nova Paper Products." The young man strode forward and shook Mulder's hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Daniels. Please, have a seat." He made his way behind the desk, hoping that Scott had thought to place the show proposal somewhere visible. He surveyed the piles, searching for anything that might resemble a show proposal. With a sinking feeling, he began opening and closing drawers but still had no luck. "Oh, boy," he said under his breath, before looking back up at Mr. Daniels, who was waiting expectantly. "Well, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away..."

The Star Wars gag continued on throughout the story. <.g>

20. Are you a OTP person or do you just 'mix and match'? Total mix and match! In every fandom. I may be a die-hard shipper, but I wrote the first Scully/Tara Maclay romance. <.g>
21. Do the stories you read/write and your involvement in fandom change the perception of the show (FPFic) / the people (PRFic) in question? I think so, yes.
22. If yes, how so? I have more sympathy for characters that I write - get to know them better.

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