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fuckity fuck fuck

Damn damn damn damn. Mom just called me, almost in tears. Josh's other knee dislocated. Like, badly. He was on the floor, clutching his knee, sobbing. She pushed it in, as taught, as he's on the couch, quite comfy now, but fully unable to walk. One of his PTs came over, and said this was probably it. Two disloactions in such a short period of time, it has to be. But we're going to try taping it and putting it in a stabilizer, seeing if we can put off surgery for awhile.

Damn, man. When it rains, it really fucking pours. My poor baby boy. : ( Like it isn't horrible enough on its own, we have to deal with it now, on top of everything else.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! So mad at the world right now. And no one's online to talk to. : (

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