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long day coming

I'm alive, really. Had three hysterical freak-outs, and one mild panic attack, and a few hours of near depression, all in one afternoon, but hey, here. Physically, at least. LOL

So. Working a lot. I think I'll have about 50 hours this week. Plus 17 hours of classes. More if I go to Kate's jazz class. Which I think I won't, but will tell my boss I am. Of course, now that I said that, I'll tell her I'm going and actually go.

Terrified about the GRE. But I can't bring myself to practice. PLease, God, let me test well this one last time.

Freaked about classes. Hate 375. Met a sweet girl last Thursday, though. Hopefully gonna ride with her to and from lab. I just walked up to her after class (after a disastrous time getting there on the bus. I fucking followed the directions, and I swear to God she drove right back in front of where she picked me up 45 minutes earlier before actually going to my building ::steams::) and said, "Hi, did you drive today? Oh, good. You don't know me, but can you drive me home?" She could and did. I think her name is Jill. Maybe Jo. She appreciates my nsyncness as a quirk. (I had to pull out a notebook to give her my e-mail and phone #. She also saw the watch.)

Justin was cool on the VMAs. Solid performance, even though I somehow expected more. Something more special. But he did wonderfully.

Have cable again. In my room. Yay! I could be watching Xena now. But it's too much effort to get the remote. Which is behind me on the bed. I'm in a swivel chair. I am lazy.

I bought a weekly planner, put in all my assignments, and color coded it. It doesn't look as scary now. My sweet Jennie-girl is written in with sparkly purple ink, and there is purple all over my blue (aka test)-filled week. ACK! She's coming in midterms. <.g> Oh, well. She can help me study. We'll still have the best time.

Now that I've checked in, I'm gonna go to sleep now. LOL I have about 6 hours of classes, plus 8 hours of work. Kill me now? Or send hugs. Both appreciated.



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