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Well, here it is. T-1.5 hours until the GRE. <.sigh> I'm eating brain food (tuna, pasta and applesauce), listening to brain music (or, well, I will be. First I wanna listen to the fun Xena song at the end of Lyre Lyre), and trying to relax.

I'm scared. But more in the resigned way of yesterday than the terror portion of last night. I don't know. I want to do well, everyone is telling me that I will do well. but I just can't believe it. I never really do, though.

I kinda wish I had did more with the program. But honestly, what I did do was pretty easy. I'm pretty sure I learned all of the tricks it offered, and all the practice bits did was make me feel like I didn't need to practice, as it was easy. Jill got a 1000, and said the practice hadn't seemed easy and the test was hard, and 1000 is an okay score for getting in, still. So that could be good. PLus, the software said that the math is easier than the SAT and the verbal harder, and that's my perfect combination.

So. Gonna leave at 8. Be there by 8:30. Check in. Start the test at 9. Be back for GH definitely, OLTL probably. Relax. Download Justin stuff. Possibly nap.

For now, I need to eat. Eating is good. I'm not used to this big a breakfast, though. LOL

Wish me luck!

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