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a wealth of jobs

Job crisis. Again. Do I ever not have one? It's a running theme this semester.

Bookstore just called to offer me a job, slightly pro-marijuana statements and all. <.g> Now the rub - I would prefer the ECE job which is better hours and better pay, but, obviously, I have not interviewed for it or been offered it. Do I accept this only to turn it down soon? I feel wretched doing that. Do I say no up front and potentially screw myself over?

Oh. Did I mention that I applied for an ECE position? Mornings, 4 days a week, $9 an hour, meshes perfectly with the pm preschool job I have. Much nicer than scattered bookstore hours at $6.50 an hour. I would love the ECE. I have previously worked in this ECE. But, I e-mailed my resume last night and woke up to an e-mail saying she would contact me shortly and I've been awake for a long long time now.

Advice? I have until 9 tonight.

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