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the jobman cometh

Well, I think I have a job again. I did a pseudo-interview type thing, and she finished it off with, "Well, as far as I'm concerned, you have the job." (She also already joined the chorus of, "Are you *sure you want to be a librarian?!") I'm going to observe tomorrow afternoon, figure out paperwork, and plan other observations before starting in January. It sounds like a fantastic job. Sadly it's been downgraded to three days a week, but that could bounce back up to five. It's at a local school where I worked a few years back (the summer Krissy was married, actually). I'm also going to apply to work at books a million a town over. Looking good.

I set up my own town in Sims last night. I called it Avonlea, although it's going to be a collision of fandoms. I love the area I set it in, but it's so hilly and bumpy!! I keep leveling everything, and there are stairs everywhere. LOL I made two families so far - Cuthberts (Marilla, Matthew, Bertha and teen Anne) and Blythes (John, teen Gilbert and teen Diana). I wanna see if I can get Anne and Gil in love again. <.g> They wouldn't let me make the Cuthberts without an adult to be Anne's parent, so I guess Bertha will have to move out somewhere. I'll call her house Heaven. LOL

I also played some of my original town, with Rilla and Ginny. I totally remodeled their house for them to adopt, but I want them to have a girl, so I didn't save when little Glen came, but I hadn't saved for a goodly amount of time before then either, so I lost everything. Whoops. LOL! Oh, well, I'll just try again later, maybe do something better with their house. I wish they could adopt a teenager.

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