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Woo-hoo! James and Abby wrote

Woo-hoo! James and Abby wrote the sequel to Small Fry! Now Wes, Willow, Tara and Giles are four year olds. <.giggle> I'll link when it comes onto their site. I adored the first one, and this is way bigger! First one was 11 parts, this is 27. I'll be sitting at my computer forever and ever. LOL

Today, Shari, the director at the clinic, told me I could have a job there next summer! : ) I'm excited. I'm also going to ask Janet if they're planning on a winter camp over break. I'm dead set on going to the Scullyfic spring training (I've got a ride and everything!), so having money is helpful. <.g> It's about $100 for the registration, shirts, swaps, etc. Plus raffle money, and gas money, since I'd be joining a caravan. So I'd need about $300 to pay for the entire weekend, which is a two week paycheck with money left over.

I was telling mom's friend Carol at work today about our big news. I, of course, start with mom's, which is still mindboggling. <.g> Janet, who was listening, was like, "No! Tell her your news first!" I said, "No, no! Mom's is better," which Janet tried to refute. But Carol's right, I guess I am my mom's daughter. <.g> I'm just so excited for her! But Carol was like, "So you know what you need now? A license." I pointed out that I was going to live in NYC for 4 years. No one drives in NYC! It's the perfect city for me. LOL

Oooh, Philadelphia just started on TBS! I adore this movie. And now I know to look for Brad Whitford as Jamie. <.g> Oh, and I think I finally finished my Scully/Tara story! I just don't like the title. Once I come up with a name for the Cosmo quiz they take on how well they know each other, I think I'll steal/modify that title and use it. I originally had "Ladies Night," and Lana suggested "Cookies and Quizzes," which I like better, but still doesn't capture the story. I'll be excited to get a story posted - I haven't finished one since May! Plus, this will be my first ever Scullyfic story post, and I'm quite curious to see how it's recieved. I'm going into it not expecting much, if any, feedback, since this group has the best writers in the fandom and they're a bit snobby, and this story is definitly not up to their standards. I didn't really write it to be - it's funny fluff. Nothing more. I had oodles of fun, though, and the people I've shown it to so far have really enjoyed it. So I'm pleased with just that, honest.

HEY! I can post it to UCSL! I just realized that. <.g> It has Tara, duh. I think I'll try posting to Kitten board, too. Maybe I'll post to AXTC, but maybe just upload to Ephemeral. How odd to have options. <.giggle>

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