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June 25, 2003

stuff and nonsense

Yesterday I had a bit of an "accidentlet." Nothing big, but I scraped another car, and totally freaked out. But the guy called back today, said everything was fine, not to worry, and it was really okay. So I'm breathing again.

I built another bear! Chris. Chris is white with purple tipped fur. I was trying so hard to find something to dress him in that didn't clash with the purple. LOL! It was pretty hard. I had a pair of tan cargo shorts, and the lady at Build a Bear suggested the "princess" t-shirt. I looked at her, mildly surprised and announced, "It's a BOY bear." We all started cracking up. <.g> (Relatedly, I'm considering it for JC, since the purple sparkly outfit I originally had had in mind seems to be retired.) Then she pointed out the white polo shirt, and it was perfect. I took pics of him, and him with Penguin!Lance and ComfyBear!Joey that I will share as soon as I get my digital blog set up. Or as soon as I plug in my USB cable, whichever is sooner. <.g> Next up, JC. I already found an adorable bucket hat for him. I think he'll be a white bear with a blue nose. Then Justin will be the curly haired bear, and I will have my little stuffed nsync group complete.

I am insane.

Meanwhile, Zippity Zoo Day is this Friday. It's a day at the zoo for people who use augmentative and alternative communication and their families. My mom started it with a speech path and a rep from an AAC company. Due to a few unexpected occurences, I have been promoted from running the sibling activities, to running the entire thing. Um. Wheee? LOL Should be fun.

Joey from nsync is engaged! I'm such a sap, I love all weddings and engagements. <.g> I'm so excited for him. It's Kelly, the mother of his two year old, Briahna. They've been together for more than ten years, since HS, so I think that's pretty neat. I like people to be happy, even if it's people I've only seen and not met. LOL

Um, what else. Not sure. Really tired. Long day. Must clean off remnants of mine and Josh's video party this afternoon before I go to bed. (I have a dozen or two videos strewn on my bed. Thanks, Josh.)

Sweet dreams, y'all.

June 24, 2003


I got OE moved over! My new computer feels officially like my own now.

Slowly, I am starting to enjoy my job.

I have a job interview in an hour and a half, for a receptionist position. Please, please send happy thoughts. It's an evening gig, three nights a week and Saturday morning. I could totally do it.

I'm going to build a new bear today. Likely, it will be Chris.

I look cute today, in a white wrap blouse. I love this blouse.

You are now caught up with Rina's life.

June 21, 2003


First off - 1500 posts. Wheee, I rock.

Second - finished HP earlier tonight. Fucking hell. I cried. It was great. Beyond great. Some of the revelations weren't very revelationy, but others were. I cried. I loved certain aspsects. Some made me gleeful. Others made me want to throw things.

Can't wait to read again.

June 20, 2003


Less than 6 hours until the new Harry Potter book!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. There's a street in Oak Park that's turning into Diagon Alley for the night, and daddy's taking me. Then we get the book at midnight! And I read all night long. LOL

I hate not being able to post here. Even when I get online, I feel like I'm never alone in my room to post. I love spending time vegging with mom and Josh, and I don't want it to stop, but it seems to be getting later and later and I get tireder and tireder, and just don't wanna expend the typing energy. LOL

Mom is currently addicted to my solitaire game. <.g> You know, the one that comes with the computer? It's so funny. I love watching her play.

Who here also uses XP? I set up my new OE, although I still have yet to move my mail over, but even though I typed in my pws and set it to always remember, I ALWAYS have to type them all in again the first time after I sign on. I hate it, and want it to stop. Ideas?

Also, need to remember the pw for the main accont. I think it's on my old computer, in my old mail. LOL Good reason to try again to move things!

Um, what else? Job getting better, still don't love it. Driving like mad, do love it. Ready to fall asleep NOW, and planning on being awake for another 12 hours. This is where my new pack of pixie sticks come in handy.

Okay. Wearing a Quidditch jersey and ready to find Diagon Alley. Wheeeeeee! I'm taking my digital camera, so pictures are forthcoming.

June 07, 2003

all jc all the time?

My blog is very JC-ish lately, Lance layout notwithstanding. LOL Have to celebrate JC month somewhere, I guess. <.g>

Your husband's name is JC Chasez and you have 3 children. You're a mom who drives to work every day in a pink honda.

It's truly a wonderful life when you consider the countless romantic nights you have spent with JC Chasez in your shack in Florida.

MASH is brought to you by TypePad, where you'll be able to get your own weblog to talk about your happy life with JC Chasez.

June 06, 2003


Hee, reminds me of earlier this week when Inside Edition showed a (very very very) brief clip of JC and I squealed "JAY-CEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" loudly. Into mom's ear. My saying the name was longer than the clip itself. She does think I'm insane, yes.

You are BLOWIN' ME UP JC. Artistic, not always
"understood," you never leave home
without your drumsticks and little black

Which Video JC Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Now if only this damn fly would leave my room. It's HUGE. Like an inch around. A black walnut with wings buzzing around my head. It's kinda scary. Maybe I'll sleep in Josh's room tonight, on his second bed.

June 05, 2003


It's so hard to update during the summer, man. No time to log on! So annoying.

Still jobless. Kinda. I interviewed last week for my dream job, she kept referring to it as mine, and then I didn't get it. She raved about me in the message she left, but she "actually" found someone more qualified. Whoo.

But then today I got offered a part time job as an aide in summer school. It's so NOT the job I wanted, but she was kind enough to tell me to come fill out the paperwork even though it starts Monday and she already hired someone. She'll still fit me in, which is very nice of her. But. Part time, four mornings a week, probably a pay cut, and not at all the job I want. Life kinda sucks right now, gotta say. So now I need to find *another job for afternoons. I'm thinking movie extra is the way to go here.

Watched the MTV movie awards. Justin was cute. Felt bad for Seann. Adored Aly Hannigan, natch. Sqeaked at the small glance of Alexis with her. Thought Joey looked cute, no matter what the fashion people said. They all looked stupid too. <.snicker>

Got a copy of Joey in RENT this week. Absolutely fabulous. Love him.

I finally, after about 18 months, took my Lance bobblehead out of its box. (The thing fucking scared me, okay? Ew.) But my mom and I agree that he's *far less demonic outside the box. It's a definite improvement, so go Lance!

Uh, what else? Should be ready to work completely on my new computer this weekend. I found my outlook files, and will attempt to import them tomorrow night. Wish me luck.

Can't think of anything else to babble about. I miss being online. I miss my friends. I need to write stories again - have a challenge due in August, and a crossover idea that I'm totally in love with. Much transfer love and such into actual *words. Good luck to me and the Boston Red Sox, huh?