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Well, I'm officially unemployed - they found my replacement and so Friday was my last day. I'm not anticipating a very pretty paycheck, but it should be enough to get me Gilmore Girls season one.

Have I mentioned how in love with that show I am? Because I really am. It feels nice to be enjoying a show still on the air that I can watch regularly - that hasn't happened since season 6 Buffy. I'm madly in love with Luke; he's so delightfully grumpy and curmudeonly and kind and loving. Lorelai is a hoot, and Rory has grown on me. I can't wait to see how the show evolved - I've seen many episodes scattered through the seasons, and now all but one episode of season one, plus the last 4 regular new eps. So it's fun seeing the now and then differences, but the middle should be fabuous.

I'm still also fairly addicted to the Sims. Luke, Lorelai and Rory are obviously my new family, and Luke and Lorelai just got married last night. It was hysterical - she wanted out of her dress immediately and into her more comfortable and unique formal dress, and then they had a fight. LOL But it went off well and they are very happy.

Oh, shoot, meant to upload something. Look for another post coming quite soon. <.g>

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