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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, and Happy Hanukah! We had a very quiet day today....mom and dad had to wake me and Josh up at 9 because they were getting impatient. *giggle* We opened presents and heated up the coffee cake and breakfast casserole that mom and I made last night, and played with toys. Heeee!

Joshy loves his new Cube games, especially NBA Courtside, which he asked for all last night. It was cute. Dad is way into his new DVDs. Mom hasn't taken off her necklace yet. And ooh, I got such cute things!! I love my new pink messenger bag. Finally, a purse where I don't have to choose what book to bring based on the tiny space available! I also got a gorgeous Irish sweater, fleece jacket, Mickey tshirt, Thomas Kinkade paint by numbers set and a bio of Abraham Lincoln. And PSPx for Winnie! I'm way excited. I also got scented pens and a bracelet in my stocking. So pretty.

So, quiet day. I stayed up by the tree on Winnie, while everyone else scattered. I read Yuletide fics and sesa fics and played with PSP. All in all, a quiet, relaxing, fun day. A good Christmas.

Now to find some leftover Chinese to nibble on, with mom's homemade ginger ale. Happy Holidays, everyone!!

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