What are you doing New Years Eve?
I am watching SGA with Jennie. Wheee! And while we do this, I shall go over my year in posts. Just to see what all I did. LOL
*I went on vacation! Nashville, Panama City Beach, Disney World, Hilton Head, Atlanta, Memphis. Best vacation EVER.
*I started Brownies with C.
*Wrote an nsync story.
*Moved back into my room after 7 months
*Applied for library job (did not get it)
*Talked to Lady K when her mountain erupted
*Played Sims
*Went to Houston to see Jennie
I*I got my beloved Winnie!!
*Did a Sibshop
*TiVo #1 died a sad death
*Media*West con with Biz. Eeee! I can't wait to go again.
*Got re-hooked on CSI
*Celebrated my 24th Lead Awareness Day
*TiVo #4 moved in
*Got hired to keep working with Noneck
*It was hot.
*Played Sims - Lily and James and the conception of the twins. Heeee!
*Challenge for the Children. Yay Challenge! Aaron Carter and David Gallagher. LOL
*HPB. Yay Harry Potter!
*Dad got sick.
*Saw the Wiggles in concert. Ooooooooh.
*Saw Backstreet Boys in concert. Ahhhhhhh. LOL
I*I got hired as a librarian!
*My computer sparked a great big light and died.
*Lady K upgraded MT for us.
*Garage sale.
*Bought Trixie the Nintendog
*Hurt my knee walking
*Wrote 2 HP stories. Go me!
*Saw HP at midnight!
*Saw RENT and Anthony Rapp!
*Got sick at work
*Started my first novel
*Made Christmas cards
*Baked cookies with C
*Watched a lot of SGA
*Visited with Jennie :)
....well, according to my blog, my life was very very boring and uneventful this year. With a few exceptions, sure - Challenge, HP and RENT movies, getting a job in my chosen profession that I love. But still. Fairly boring.
My resolution: I resolve to do at least one new thing next year to make my yearly round up look really cool and interesting.
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