for me
Just for me, so I don't lose this.
Dr. Rama Venu - practices at University of IL and West Suburban Hospitals
Dr. Eli Ehrenpreis - works at U of C
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Just for me, so I don't lose this.
Dr. Rama Venu - practices at University of IL and West Suburban Hospitals
Dr. Eli Ehrenpreis - works at U of C
Okay. Off that list, I have...
*Finished my story (barring edits I plan to do with Johnny and Kate)
*Researched doctors for my grandfather (anyone know anything about the needle knife dilatation procedure?)
*Chosen a topic for my 376 paper (evolution of speech/language, tentatively)
I also checked my bank account balance and found out that Kate's Christmas present was shipped yesterday and should arrive next week. So I'm doing good, I think! Just gotta keep working.
Okay, both the TV Guide and are telling me that SNL should be on right now. So why do I see Ben Stein and not Josh Jackson with nysnc? That's obnoxious as all hell. I guess someone forgot to tell Comedy Central what to air.
Okay. This is what I need to get done in the next week.
*Find two articles on multiple intelligences
*Finish my story
*Read and annotate 3 stories, with a letter to the author
*Find a song relating to an English class or speech therapy
*Do 386 tests with Lauren
*Research doctors for my grandfather
*Pick a topic for my 376 paper
More to be added as I remember.
Time to get to work.
Wow, I've gotten a lot done this morning! I did my EdPsych, did half of my writing stuff. Very exciting.
I found this page last has the CUTEST Lance and Joey pictures. Ignore the text, smile at the pictures. LOL Like, it has the sleeping picture I posted last week, but it turns out the one I posted was cut...this one is SO much cuter, with JC in there. <.giggle> And the one of Joey in the red hat leaning on Lance is my wallpaper for startup/shutdown. LOL I love the tickling one, though. Adorable.
To continue my nsync theme, Kate and Aarti read on TRL yesterday about Lance's special PB&J sandwich. So we tried it. LOL Well, part of it. He says peanut butter, jelly, honey, cinnamon, and sugar, and we didn't have honey. So, like Kate said, it was a half-assed Lance Special. <.g> Actually, it was pretty good. I liked what the cinnamon sugar added, although I'm not sure what I'd feel about honey on it. <.g> Really gotta wonder how he came up with something like that. Although I came up with cinnamon and brown sugar on my popcorn this summer, which is pretty insane in and of itself. <.g> He seems to have a lot of odd recipes, though. Like the barbeque cheeseburgers we saw him make on another show. He put BBQ sauce on the patties before grilling them, which kinda sounds good and kinda sounds...interesting. LOL I don't know. Has anyone ever tried that?
Okay, now I have about 25 minutes to find something to eat before class and read this story for class. Sounds fun. LOL
<.GASP!!!!!> Amends! Amends! Amends is the Buffy episode! I had this on tape once, and I lost it. I was so sad. Now I can get it on tape again! Whooo!! I had been super hungry, but now I'm waiting until 6 to eat. LOL This is exciting. (Silly, but exciting. LOL)
Class was SO MUCH FUN today!!! LOL We talked about Piaget and his theories. More than that, we talked TO Piaget (who died in 1980 ;)) about his theories. LOL My professor came in with crazy white hair and a beret. <.g> It was so funny. Then, he brought in three kids, one at a time. A five year old, a 7 year old, and a 10 year old. They were so cute! The 7 year old boy was so of the experiments was putting raisins in a glass of ginger ale. The professor asked him what he thought the raisins would do, and the boy clearly had no idea. He looked around, saw the cup with the raisins that the five year old had done, pointed and said, "Exactly what's happening in that cup." LOL! It was so cute. I really love that class.
Meanwhile, it's still raining, and will continue to rain until it snows on Friday. I'm never going to be dry again. LOL
Tara Maclean had a baby girl! How cool. I love that she has a diary up on her site, and shared all that information about the birth and stuff. I think that's so neat. I also think it's cool that she was born on Prince Edward Island! One of these days, I WILL go there. Mark my words. <.g>
Today's General Hospital:
Carly: What's that in your hand?
Zander: Stapler.
Carly: Oh, good, you *can tell the truth. Now what happened with Sonny?
<.giggle> I just found that cute.
Oh, yay, Scotty and Alexis and Ned! Should be fun.
I can't shake this feeling that I'm forgetting something. I don't know what! I watched all of QaF (I love that Brian is starting to feel something for Justin!), I have an appointment with Kathi Friday at 11, right after class. I did my reading for EdPsych tomorrow, I did my paragraphs for tonight's class, I might have gotten more than half done with the next story I'm going to turn in, and I wrote my check for my tuition to turn in today. I only have two classes today, and I'm prepared for both. I'm prepared for both of tomorrow's classes. So what on earth am I forgetting?! ARGH! Is this what I get for spending my morning curled up in bed watching the pretty boys? I need a job. I need something to do. LOL Why must every other job I look at involve heavy lifting? I am not a heavy lifter. Ugh.
I got this from a friend of mine. From the limited research I did after reading it, it seems to be true, which I think is cool. : )
In a supermarket, Kurtis the stock boy, was busily working when a new
voice came over the loudspeaker asking for a carry out at check register 4.
Kurtis was almost finished, and wanted to get some fresh air, and
decided to answer the call. As he approached the check-out stand a
distance smile caught his eye, the new check out girl was beautiful. She
was an older woman (maybe 26, and he was only 22) and he fell in love.
Later that day, after his shift was over, he waited by the punch clock
to find out her name. She came into the break room smile softly at him
and took her card and punched out, then left. He looked at her card, BRENDA.
He walked out only to see her start walking up the road. Next day, he
waited outside as she left the supermarket, and offered her a ride home.
He looked harmless enough, and she accepted.
When he dropped her off, he asked if maybe he could see her again,
outside of work. She simply said it wasn't possible. He pressed and she
explained she had two children and she couldn't afford a baby-sitter, so
he offered to pay for the baby-sitter. Reluctantly she accepted his
offer for a date for the following Saturday.
That Saturday night he arrived at her door only to have her tell him
that she was unable to go with him. The baby-sitter had called and
canceled. To which Kurtis simply said, "Well, lets take the kids with us."
She tried to explain that taking the children was not an option, but
again not taking no for an answer, he pressed. Finally Brenda, brought
him inside to meet her children. She had a older daughter who was just
cute as a bug, Kurtis thought, then Brenda brought out her son, in a
wheelchair; he was born a paraplegic with down syndrome. Kurtis asked
Brenda, "I still don't understand why the kids can't come with us?"
Brenda was amazed. Most men would run away from a woman with two kids,
especially if one had disabilities. Just like her first husband and
father of her children did.
That evening Kurtis and Brenda loaded up the kids, and they went to
dinner and the movies. When her son needed anything Kurtis would take
care of him. When he needed to use the rest room, he picked him up out
of his chair, took him, brought him back. The kids loved Kurtis. At the
end of the evening, Brenda knew this was the man she was going to marry
and spend the rest of her life with.
A year later, they were married and Kurtis adopted both of her children,
and since they have added two more kids.
So what happened to the stock boy and check out girl? Well, Mr. & Mrs.
Kurt Warner now live in St. Louis, where he is employed by the St.
Louis Rams and plays quarterback.
There were some inaccuracies I found, but that could be explained away...I thought I read that Zach was the oldest, but it could be that he's the oldest boy. Also, I read that he has brain damage from an accident, not Down Syndrome, but he could have both. But Kurt did adopt the two kids, and does do a lot of charity work and donations for kids who have special needs. It's a nice story no matter what. <.g>
oooh!!! Michael's doctor is Chris Potter!! He was on Silk Stalkings...the second go around, after Chris and Rita left. I liked him! This is exciting. Even if I don't exactly like his character here, it's still him. LOL
Now to take a shower and get dressed before finishing my little marathon. <.g> Fun way to start the morning.
Hee Hee! Okay, I had to post this. It's long, so I stuck it in the More section. I bolded the ones that actually apply to me. LOL Some are rather embarrassing, but what can I say? I was a product of my times. <.g>
You know you grew up in the 1980's if . .
You ever ended your sentence with "psych"
You solved the Rubics peeling off the stickers
You watched the pound puppies
You can sing the rap to "the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"
You wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylish
You yearned to be a member of the Baby-sitters club and tried to start a club of your own.
You owned those little Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls
You know what 'Whoa' comes from Blossom
Three words: M.C. Hammer
You thought it would be great to have a friend named "Boner"
You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales"
If you played the chipmunks Christmas album all year long!
Remember reading Kool-Aid man comics
You ever watched Fraggle Rock
You had plastic streamers on the handle bars of your bike
You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons
You wore a pony tail to the side of your head
You saw the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the big screen
You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school
You made your mom buy you one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a knot on the side
You had a Kirk Cameron poster on your bedroom wall
You played the game "Mash" with friends at school
You wore a Jordache jean jacket and you were proud of it
Your mother wouldn't let you have garbage pail kids
You wanted to change your name to Jem in Kindergarten (sidenote: I play piano because of Kimber! And if Josh was a girl, he'd be Kimberly. Sad.)
You remember reading "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" and all the Ramona books
You know the profound meaning of "Wax on,Wax off"
You wanted to be a Goonie
You ever wore fluorescent, neon if you will, clothing
You wanted to be on StarSearch
You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off
You took Lunch pales to school
You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female smurf
You remember the craze, and then banning of slap bracelets
You still get the urge to use "NOT" at the end of every statement you make
You remember Hypercolor T-shirts
Barbie and the Rockers was your favorite band
You remember Punky Brewster
You loved Howard the duck
You thought Sheera and He-Man should hook up
You thought your childhood friends would never leave
because you exchanged "friendship bracelets"
You ever owned a pair of Jelly Shoes
After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you couldn't stop saying "I know you are but what am I?"
You remember "I've fallen...and I can't get up!"
You remember going to the skating rink before there
were inline skates
You ever got seriously injured on a slip and slide (And needed braces for two years. <.wince> Stupid swing set, in my way.)
You know not to mix poprocks and soda (but did it anyway!)
You have played with a 'skip-it'
You had or went to a birthday party at McDonald's
You learned oldies songs by watching Alvin and the Chipmunks
You had a Glow Worm or watched the cartoons
You remember dancing along with the Bangles in "Walk Like An Egyptian"
If you remember Heathcliff the orange cat
You saw the California Raisins Christmas claymation special
You've gone through this list occasionally saying "That wasn't from the 80's"
You remember Popples
DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!
You wore socks over tights with high-top Reeboks
You wore like 8 pairs of socks at once, scrunched down
You remember boom boxes instead of CD players
You remember watching both "Gremlins" movies
You remember the Transformers
You know what it meant to say "care bear stare!!"
and you had a favorite
You remember Rainbow Bright and My Little Pony Tales
You remember watching TV thinking Doogie Howser was hot!
You remember Alf, the little furry brown alien from Melmac
You remember the large amounts of hairspray used
You remember those very stylish headbands
You remember Vicky the Robot
You remember Eve Garland from Out of this World and
how she could stop time by pressing the tips of her index fingers together and talking to her dad through a glowing cube in her bedroom
You remember the beggining of New Kids on the Block
You remember watching The Cosby show
You remember Mr. Belvadere
You remember Michael J. Fox in Family Ties and Back to the Future
You know all the names of the gang from "Saved by the Bell"
You know all the words to Bon Jovi's "shot through the heart" song
What about you? Did you grow up in the 80s? <.g>
So, let's see. I've had a rather productive night. <.g> I watched about 3 hours of Queer as Folk (4 episodes at 45 minutes each), wrote my Faulkner paragraph, typed my story and inflicted it on Kate, and I think that's it. LOL But that just leaves calling Kathi, finishing QaF, and doing my list of words during 385 tomorrow. Sounds pretty manageable to me!
I'm really loving QaF. I adore Justin, I want to hug Brian even when he's a prick, I want Michael to get a clue and stop following Brian around, I want Ted to find someone, and I want Mel to stop being such a bitch. <.g> I think Lindsey is sweet, but Mel has almost NO redeeming qualities that I've found so far. I can't wait to see what happens in the next few episodes tomorrow morning. LOL But for now, sleep! Yay!
I have NO idea how I stayed awake through 386 today! LOL I was totally falling asleep. Well, the 6 pages of notes, both sides, and the cramp in my hand might have had something to do with not falling asleep. <.giggle>
So, yay, I went to the video store and rented the first two volumes of QaF to watch!! So, that's 373 minutes (aka 6 hours and 13 minutes) that I have to watch before it's due at 6pm tomorrow. <.g> That was an eeek on my part, but it was silly to only get volume one, which is eps 1-3, since I had already seen 1 of them, and I have so many hours tomorrow morning. So now I have eps 1-8. <.g> I'm excited!
So, this is what I have to do tonight and tomorrow before class:
Call Kathi for an appointment (turns out she's been e-mailing me since December, wanting to make sure I was okay in 375 and then about failing it. Ooops.)
Watch 6 hours and 13 minutes of QaF. LOL
Write a paragraph on how Faulker combined narrative, expository and dialogue to create the first two pages of "Barn Burning."
Type the one page of possible story to inflict on people.
Watch someone and write down a list of action words that shows what they do.
I figure I'll type and watch QaF tonight, and start the Faulkner P. Tomorrow morning I'll call Kathi and finish the Faulkner, and I'll watch Jill or Meg in class tomorrow. I'll return QaF before writing class, and go back on Wednesday to rent volume 3, return that on Friday and rent 4 and 5 to watch on Sunday when we get back from nsync tickets. ::nods:: That's my plan. LOL
Now to type so I can watch the pretty boys. <.g>
Today's gonna be a LONG day. Okay, sure, I don't start until 1. But that class goes to 2:20, and then I have a class from 3-6. So I'm gone from 12:45-6:15. Ack! LOL
On Friday, I did my assignment for 386 this evening, taking the time to complain about the lack of information I had found, and she sent me an e-mail back saying that she agreed the site was lacking, but to try a link she gave. Does this mean I should redo the assignment? LOL It's only, like, a paragraph, so it's not a big deal, I just wish I knew. LOL
Oh, it's Mark and Lizzie's wedding on ER! When it first aired, I was so confused as to why they had all those errors and getting lost seemed silly. Then, a few weeks later, I saw the episode where they first started getting close. It was a series of mistakes and getting lost that caused them to miss a conference and spend time together! So of course the wedding episode made perfect sense. I wish I had known that the first time around. <.g> Why wasn't Kerry invited, though? I mean, she is a co-worker of both, and isn't she Mark's boss, technically? You'd think that at least inviting her was the smart and polite thing to do. LOL
I was up WAY too late with the nsync game. LOL Aarti came home, and she was having too much fun. <.g> She got really good at Justin's charity smoochie game, where you fire off kisses to land on the nsync boys's heads. LOL She also got a kick out of the phone, using it to call JC about 10 times, asking if he was dating Emmanuelle. Then she started calling the other guys, asking THEM if JC was dating Emmanuelle. <.giggle> It was so funny. We also played the trivia game, which was fun. We beat the easiest level, and drowned at the middle and hardest. Lance kept popping up to tell us to "use our brains," like he knew we could, and I just wanted to smack him. LOL But really, learning way more about them than I ever wanted to. LOL Lance and Joey's favorite time of day is night, and JC's is either sunset or midnight...I haven't gotten that question right yet. LOL Oh, and my favorite one...the question was "What outfit does Lance find most attractive on a girl?" and the answers were 1. dress, 2. jeans and a sweater, 3. pjs. And the correct answer was pjs! LOL His good boy image is certainly tarnishing, huh? LOL When would he get a chance to see a girl in pajamas, hmmm? ;) So cute. LOL
I had a lot of fun this weekend! We had temps in the 60s all weekend, so we had windows open and took walks and stuff. Super fun. Mom and I also rented Save the Last Dance, which we both loved. The play, A Murder Is Announced, was fantastic...I got about 3/4 of the way to solving the mystery, story of my life. LOL I had all the pieces put together, and didn't take that one extra step. <.g>
My dad got me the nysnc hotline phone and Buffy S1 on DVD! So exciting. I installed the nsync game, and was having a great deal of fun with it. You can dress the boys, you can make them dance, and I was spending time doing trivia. I didn't know most of it, but I had fun guessing. Like, Lance's favorite sport is baseball. Yay! So's mine. <.g> And Joey would like to go back to the 50s, Lance to the 20s, and JC to the romance era. I thought that was fun. LOL So far, I've gotten two random calls from them...Justin wants me to dance, and Lance thinks I'm special. Such fun. LOL
Not much really happened...Josh woke me up on Saturday. He crawled up me and flopped down. I figured he was going for my mask to make me wake up, but no. How silly of me. He went straight for the watch. LOL He's just the cutest. On the train home (with David), I started to write a slightly disturbing story. I think it's JC or Lance, but I never say and I'm not going to. So I might turn this one in next. I'll show it to other people and see what they think. If you want to volunteer, let me know. LOL
nsync concert tickets in some areas went on sale this MORNING and some have already sold out. ACK!!!!!!! This means Kate and I have to wait overnight on the first to get tickets on the second. Overnight. In February. In CHICAGO. Our luck, that's when we'll get our first big snow. Although that would be better than a super freeze, I suppose. <.g> But goodness...I've never wanted to go to a concert that involved this much...involvement. LOL This SO better be worth it, that's all I have to say.
Even Stevens was SO CUTE. <.g> I really loved it. And now Buffy is on...Xander just slightly freaked that Willow had seen a half naked Oz. "Which half?!" "Wouldn't you like to know?" she responded, and it cracked me up! She did that so perfectly. It's great seeing Faith again. I've missed her. Yesterday was Faith, Hope and Trick, but I've forgotten the name of this ep. For now, anyway, I'm sure I'll remember in a little bit. <.g>
So sleepy...hope I don't fall asleep on the train. It's that headachy kind of tired, too, which is so annoying. I have my writing homework to do, though, and I have a notebook to work on my story. Plus a book, and an nsync mix tape I made. So I should stay somewhat occupied. LOL Turns out my cousin is also taking the train home today, so if he does find me, I should be able to keep the pretense of being busy. Although I would feel odd writing nsync stories next to him. LOL
Oh, WOW!!! I am so impressed with my little brother. He and mom made this video contract...he gets videos from 2-5 on most days, and after lunch to 5 on the others, for the most part. The first week, he was an angel, and complied with the rules. Last week, they fought every day over it. Today, mom was on the phone with her friend Elaine, and didn't even realize what time it was. Josh came to the bottom of the stairs, called her down, and pointed out to her that it was 5pm and gave her the videos. I can't believe this!! My baby is growing up. <.g> I am just in awe.
I can't wait for MT2.0...I saw that one of the improvements is the ability to categorize a post in multiple categories, something I just complained about in a post. This is one of the posts that would need that, and I can't wait until it's available. LOL
I think I killed my lucky bamboo shoot. The stem is all yellow, and stuff is growing on it. It was doing fine and great until I went home for break and it lived with mom's dying one. <.g> Am I doomed to bad karmicness now? I can't find any info on killing it, but I assume it's not a GOOD thing. LOL Does anyone know, though?
I'm all ready to go home, now waiting to watch Even Stevens, Influenza: The Musical. I can't wait. LOL
Okay. I'm experimenting with this movable type thingamajigger. Rina's letting me play with her blog. This is Kate, by the way. I guess this isn't as scary as it actually had seemed to me... maybe I will be switching over from Blogger.
Whee! What fun! Just looking to see if you're going to click on this. Look at that. You did. Lol.
Oh, I can't believe I forgot! I was walking to get my 700 page course pack for Monday's class, and passed the video store. I actually gasped, but managed to contain my squeal. The second poster was for Queer as Folk!!! I can rent the entire season one!!!!! I cannot believe I am going home this weekend! ARGH! LOL I know I'm going to love my play tomorrow night, but I could have had a QaF marathon tomorrow and then watched the Xena one on Sunday. How annoying is that? LOL And then next weekend, I have to come back up with Kate to get nsync tickets. And depending on when we come back after that, I might have plans with Nee to watch anime on Sunday. So I'm having to wait until February 9 to watch. Unless I rent on Sunday when I come back, and watch Monday and Tuesday mornings. Which I could do, except I should have work to do instead. Hmmmm. <.g>
Okay, anyway. LOL What do I have to do today? I have to pack. I have to read for Monday's classes. I have to review this week's 376 notes. I have to watch nsync on Clueless. LOL Is that really it? I keep thinking I'm missing something rather important. Hopefully it'll come to me!
I found the cutest pictures last night...nsync, natch. LOL The first is all of them on top of Joey, and the second is just Lance and I think Joey. So sweet! LOL They're like little puppies. (Is that Joey, BTW? 'Cause it also kinda looks like Howie from BSB, with the lack of facial hair. LOL)
I totally forgot that they were going to be on Clueless today, too. Ugh. Good thing Kate remembered and taped it. LOL It sounded so fun!
Be proud, Kate. <.g> I called MusicSpace about the status of the tape...the lady was quite nice. Apparently, we should have gotten it yesterday. LOL Also, since they didn't give me the shipping I asked for, I need to call back tomorrow to talk about a refund on that. So that's cool. Hopefully it'll come today then. <.g>
Once again, I had SO much fun with my discussion class. He reminds me so much of Erin and Carol's mom, it's funny. <.g> And we started talking about our project for the class...we're supposed to interview and collect data on someone who's different from us. Different race, sexuality, religion, background, etc. It seems pretty cool, and I think it'll be really interesting. I just have to pick a topic. <.g> Any ideas?
So, let's see...I did my edpsych homework, did the ASHA thing for Monday, and called MusicSpace. All that I have left is to eavesdrop on a five minute conversation and write it down verbatim, and I think I'll do that during class today. LOL Then tomorrow I have to buy my course packs after class, pack, and do some reading for Monday's classes before heading to the train station. I have a play this weekend!! ::bounces:: Agatha Christie. I'm *very excited. And dad will be gone on a retreat all of Saturday, so it's just me and mom with Josh. But all of us are going to the zoo on Sunday morning, which should be really fun.
So, I guess I'll crash with some Tylenol (stupid cramps...I just got *done with my period! LOL) and watch some soaps before I have to leave at 2:40. <.g>
When I was lying in bed after my alarm had gone off, I realized that I was not only hearing MY alarm, but the guy's next door. His is an obnoxious beeping thing, that I can STILL hear. LOL Silly boy, wake up!
OKay, I totally forgot to do my linkage assignment yesterday. UGH! I knew there was something I needed to do. So I need to do that by 11 today. And then there's my assignment for writing class tonight...eavesdrop on a conversation and copy it verbatim. I think I'll do that during class today, or maybe I'll head to the Espresso Royalle between classes. I think it's a super fun assignment, I just generally don't have time to go someplace where I can eavesdrop in the middle of the week. <.g>
Oh, sad ER....with the guy who's boyfriend is HIV positive and is insistent that the guy keep exposing himself to it so that they can be sick together. Malucci was great in those scenes, though. I miss him greatly. And Dr. Kovac with Bishop Stewart. I loved them.
Kate's buddy Amie came over, and we watched about 2.5 hours of MMC with JC and Justin. It was so cute! Justin was the most adorable little twelve year old. He looked nothing like how he does now. <.g> And JC was just so entirely cute. I loved the skits they had together, although it seemed that their characters never liked each other. LOL So cute, really! I kinda want to copy some of those. LOL
I also played Amie's nsync game for gameboy. It was...challenging. LOL And I was yelling at the poor boys a lot. First, they ask you to take them on errands on the way to the hotel. Then, when you get to the hotel, they ask you to quiet down the noisy people and put the nsyncers back to sleep when they wake up. (Okay, so I liked that part, putting them to bed. LOL) Then in the morning, you take them out for more errands, and then to get burgers for breakfast. Which you have to MAKE! LOL Lance was picky. Then you take them to the show, and help them play their goodluck hacky sack game. The hacky sack level took me almost 45 minutes to pass. LOL I was horrible! <.g> But I finally passed all the levels. I was proud. <.g>
Now Jennie and I are watching the Buffy musical together. Wheeee!
My mom sent me this link to draw a simple dolphin. How well can you do it? Mine looks like a deranged bird, but I used a pen so I couldn't erase and shade. <.g>
Josh is just the cutest! His SLP has him playing barrier games...that's when you put up a barrier between two people, who each have matching objects (a spoon each, 2 forks each, etc). One person arranges the objects and describes how it looks (The spoon is on top of the fork), and then the other has to set it up exactly the same, then you see if they match. Well, Josh HATES this game. So his new sentence is "I'm done playing this stupid game." LOL!! He's such a character. <.giggle>
It's so weird to have the place to myself most of the time! Kate and Aarti mostly have classes straight through all day this semester, and Sarah is teaching. Everything is so quiet now. Well, it was until I put on my Dawson's Creek soundtrack, anyway. LOL
I'm trying to think if there's anything I need to get done before class today. I did all my reading, I reviewed all my notes. Nothing much there. I'd call about the status of Kate's Christmas present, but it's lunchtime on the East Coast. Hmmm. Maybe I'll work more on my story! That will be fun. <.g>
Wow, staying up until 1 am is not a good thing. LOL Mom came on at 11:30, and we were chatting through Oprah until after midnight. She was watching Dr. Phil, who I kept reminding her was the devil and would give anyone a complex. <.g> I didn't sign off until 12:30, though, because I was finishing Nik's new Lambs story on Helen's page. I *really liked it. LOL Then Sports Night was on, and it would be silly not to watch, right? Right. So I watched. LOL It was the one were Natalie refused to accept Jeremy breaking up with her. Amusing, to be sure, but he really doesn't always write women smartly. I think she had the right idea, but came off as an idiot doing it. Of course, Casey and Dan were fixating on the bomb threat through the entire episode, so the men didn't come out very intelligent, either. LOL Oh, and I saw the Chili's commerical again...same one on the beach. I love that Lance gets two solos. <.giggle> I want to see the others, what does four of them talking about Justin's solo career have to do with Chili's? Unless Justin went solo on the baby back ribs song. <.g> Anyway, they're just all so cute.
Okay, I love having these categories to organize my posts, but it's hard because my posts are rarely just about one topic. LOL Like this one falls into tv/movies, nsync, fiction, and family, all at once. <.g> Oh, well, it makes life interesting. LOL
How I cheer myself up...alcohol and disco music. ::shakes head:: Whatever works, I guess. I went on another downloading streak...I Will Survive, It's Raining Men, Brickhouse, and a few Abba songs. And KC and the Sunshine Band. I'm a freak. But I'm a freak who's feeling much less depressed and sad and...removed, I guess. I hate that most of all. I'm not alone here, everyone is home and I'm talking with Jennie, but I was feeling alone. Lonely. Funny how that is...feeling lonely when surrounded by people, but not when I'm actually alone. Sucks.
I didn't get the job. <.sigh> She called tonight to let me know that they'd given it to another applicant. So I guess it's back to the drawing board. Or, more specifically, the job boards. Yay.
I LOVE my writing class!!! LOL So very cool. Anyway, there's this girl named Nee who's in it, and she lives in a dorm on the way to my place, so we walk back together. We started talking about our stories...turns out she wrote a bastardized version of Little Red Riding Hood. So I told her about mine, and she thought it was the funniest thing. Then we started talking about fanfic, she asked what fandoms I wrote, and it turns out she likes HP too. And get this...HP slash! LOL I was excited to meet a slash fan offline, what can I say? <.g> We both love Lupin, and get totally squicked by things like Snape/Harry.
We also talked about what books we're reading. I told her about To Say Nothing of the Dog, and she told me that she just found out her favorite author teaches here. So she was excited about that, but also worried because she really dislikes his latest books and is afraid that she's going to go all, "What did you DO?!" to him. LOL So I actually know someone in a class. This is a new thing. <.g> I like it.
I uploaded my first file to my new domain! Wheee! LOL Without further ado, I present Lysandra and the Five Elves. If you see any glaring errors, let me know by 2:30pm CT. Otherwise, I'd prefer not knowing. *giggle*
The story has been printed and is FINISHED! Whoooo! I've been making changes every so often, but I think this is it. (It better be it...I just fixed my printer and made it print!) The last page and a half was just so heavy, but I kinda fixed it by inserting nsync lyrics in there. (ie, "I'll tell them tonight. It's probably going to start a fight. But I know that I can't take any more." "That ain't no lie," Buck said, shaking his head. <.g>) And then she walks off saying "Bye bye!" and CJ calls out, "Bye." Made it a little better. LOL
It's so weird having the morning off! Class doesn't start until three today, so I'm watching Xena and eating breakfast. Or I should be, I put the waffles in the toaster a few minutes ago. LOL But now I'm going to do my other assignment for today, which is writing a character/setting sketch of Kate's room. Should prove interesting. *g*
It's SO weird not posting at Blogger! LOL I'm the sort that hates change, so this is a challenge. But everything is so pretty here, and easy to use. None of that wondering if my post will get eaten or not be posted. <.g> I did like being able to see my last few posts as I was writing, 'cause I always forget what I've already said, but I think I'll get used to it pretty quickly. Oooh, I think I'm gonna find a searchy thing to put on here. That would be fun. LOL
Done, done, done, done! My story is done! I'll link to it tomorrow when I have a chance to upload and stuff. *giggle* So happy and exciting. Even if I'm not thrilled with the ending.
Big HUGE thank yous and hugs to my Lady K, who put in hours of work getting the domain set up and movable type ready to go, and moving all my archives over. Not to mention making this design over the weekend!! Isn't she the best? I think she is. *g*
Time to move away from the computer now. LOL Tomorrow morning, I really must figure out why my printer won't print.
Just testing my new journal! : )
I love having this option, I really must say. Even for nothing comments like this. *giggle*
I am SO sleepy! LOL Wow. I think the interview went well...only took about 25 minutes or so. They asked me questions about Gilliangels (they asked where I got the idea, I said it was based on one for Gillian that I had expanded so that more people could get involved, kinda implying that it wasn't for Gillian anymore. And it's not. It's for Gillian and nsync. ; ) ), about my major, previous jobs, and my knowledge of German. I'm really hoping I get this job, so cross your fingers for me.
So I got back around 11:15, and have been writing ever since. Got about two pages done...I think I'm heading towards a quick wrap-up, if I ever can get myself to write the next paragraph. LOL But beyond that, I've been playing with my new domain name. Everything is almost ready, I think, for my blog, so expect a new address sometime this week. YAY!! It was a lovely Christmas present from my Lady K, that took me and Kate weeks and weeks to name, when the name we ended up with is, like, so obvious for us. LOL
I LOVE this Buffy...I Only Have Eyes For You. Makes me cry every time. <.g> And Angel just said a line I have on my computer..."I just love to see you smile." LOL Actually, I combined two of his lines to make my startup sound, "Hello, lover. I just love to see you smile." <.g> EW! Snakes! I forgot this part.
Whoa, it snowed! LOL Wow. I didn't notice a thing when I opened my curtains. But I just looked out, and saw white on my balcony. And then on the trees. So I walked over and everything is covered in white. LOL Not a lot of white, but definitely more than was there at midnight, when there was none. <.g> Freaky.
So I've got just over three pages, typed, of my story done, not including the ending that I already wrote. And do you know what happens? A lot of introduction. LOL I think I fell asleep just as I was getting to a real plot starting. <.g> Oh, well, I have all day today. After my interview. For which I am very very nervous. <.sigh> But I'm going to do my best and that's all I can do, right? I can't wait until it's over.
<.whimper> I finally am back and able to watch TCM's Silent Sundays. I love silent movies. They're usually only about 90 minutes, so I figured I'd have no probem staying up to watch tonight. Then I watched the intro. The movie is a classic Erich von Stroheim called Greed, from 1924. His original cut was 9.5 hours. The studio of course asked him to cut it down, which he did, to 4 hours. Then they took editing away from him and brought it down to 2.5, which was pretty much a travesty and destroyed his vision. The other 7 hours of footage have sadly been lost since then, but some film historians found his original shooting script and lots of production stills. And recreated the four hour version. How the hell am I going to stay up to 3 am watching this movie?! LOL What lovely timing...I get a chance to watch and they put on one of the longest silent movies ever made! Ah, well. I guess we'll see how much of my story I can get done while I watch.'s kinda hard to just listen to a silent movie. <.g> Ooops. Maybe it'll distract me from my total and complete nervousness about this interview tomorrow morning. <.sigh>
Today is such a nothing day. LOL It's cloudy and gloomy and grey out. So I've written the first page and the last page of the story, and need to get my ass in gear to finish the middle. That's it. That's all I've done. Well, and read fic. <.g> I didn't take a shower, I'm still in pajamas, and I haven't eaten yet. Isn't that awful? Oh, well. Maybe I'll go down and make a tuna sandwich and keep on with my story. I'm loving it, but so far, it's very elf-centered. Lysandra needs a personality, stat! LOL
I slept late today! That's fun. <.g> I don't get to tomorrow, since I have the 11am interview. For which I'm pretty damn nervous. ACK! <.sigh> Today's gonna be spent writing my little fairytale, which will hopefully go fast. And then the Golden Globes are on tonight...along with the premiere of nsync's Chili's commercial. LOL I'm hoping West Wing and Moulin Rouge have strong showings this year. Although now that I said that, they won't win anything. <.g>
Hmmmm, I feel like breakfast. Anyone wanna come over for blueberry pancakes? LOL
Lance was SO CUTE on MadTV. LOL And Joey was on, too, and he sang! Happiness! <.g> But the Lance bit was so cute, where she was interviewing both him and the show's Lance Bass, who insisted he was the real one. So Lance was asking him questions, "Just between us Lance Basses." LOL Pretty damn silly. And they really do have the same big Hollywood grins. LOL And then I watched my Saturday night cooking shows, until mom came on to ask who the hot guy singing on SNL was (Julian Casablancas of The Strokes, BTW). She's so cute...she likes to have a general knowledge of whatever I'm into so she knows what I'm talking about, but she's taking this pretty far, way farther than she ever did for XFiles, that's for sure. LOL She's really excited about Real World this season. And she watched Becoming, too. So MTV has joined her channel list, which had previously been the news networks, the Turner channels, and HGTV. LOL Much fun.
Kate and I watched Becoming NSYNC...I thought it was going to be the stupidest thing, but it was SO adorable. I loved those guys! They were so cute, and SO excited about being nsync. They cracked me up, and I had the hugest smile on my face watching them. Somehow, it was more fun because they were guys, who you wouldn't think would be admitting that they were such big fans and had little shrines and stuff. <.giggle>
Tonight's actually just been a total nysnc night. LOL First of all, mom called to let us know that Lance is gonna be on MadTV tonight, and the previews showed him with the guy who played him in the spoof she had seen over break, and they both had on the big fake Hollywood grins. LOL I can't wait!! The other fun thing is that I decided to ditch my old story for class on Tuesday and write a new one. I was just not enthusiastic about it at all. So Kate and I were just playing around with topic ideas, and she talked about rewriting a fairy tale. That spiraled into us laughing hysterically and naming some elves...Ecnal the albino elf, CJ the narcoleptic elf, Patrick the leprachaun elf, Tony the mobster elf, and Buck the southern elf. They're a little elf singing group deep in the forest called the Shortstacks. <.giggle> So what resulted is a fractured fairy tale of Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty all mixed up into one feminist, lovely maiden saves herself story. <.g> I've only written the prologue so far, but it's making me happy and giggly, and I'm excited! I'm thinking no one else will have such a bizarre little tale, so even if it's not exactly what he had in mind, it'll stick out. LOL
Wow. Gotta love timing. Here I was sitting down to type about what a pathetic writer I am, and how every idea I've come up with sucks. Then I check my mail and my only new message is from a girl who read When Angels Cry and said it was the best Willow story she'd ever read. LOL So now I'm grinning and happy...and still convinced I'm going to fail this class. But at least some people like my stuff. <.g>
He's talked about genre writing...romance, mystery, sci-fi...and how we're focusing on literary. Well, uh, I can only seem to write romance. LOL Jess told me that last year, and she's absolutely right...I have big problems writing about two people if there's no UST in there. So I'm trying to write a story, and I'm so stuck because I don't want it to be stupid and pointless. Basically, I have this woman who gets killed suddenly and has a chance to go back and tie up some loose ends. What loose ends? No clue. <.g> See the problem? Kate and I were talking, and I kinda like the idea that she goes back to say goodbye and help her friend Scott, who blames himself for her death. Possibly because she was going somewhere or doing something for him, or to see him, and wouldn't have been there otherwise. Does that sound really stupid? Any ideas on what she could do, or anything?
I think what I have to do is just kinda keep considering the options and not write yet. That's how I usually write, but I'm not usually on a time schedule. LOL I need to figure out why she's there and what she does, and then I can go back and fill in the dots as I write. Help is gladly accepted. <.g>
Wooo, I finished my reading! I wanted to be done by noon, and it's 12:06. Close enough. <.g> I still have to get my train ticket...who would have thought that they'd be closed from 9:30-10:30am? Certainly not us, who got there at 10. LOL So, let's see, what's still on my list?
Finish the story for Tuesday
Get my train ticket
Watch MMC
install my CD drive
This is pretty exciting! Not much to do at all. I better go check out my story and see how much work needs to be done. Not that I can print it right now...every printer in this house is on the fritz. That is SO annoying. I've got to figure out what went wrong with mine. : ( It worked before break!
People find me in the most unusual ways. Here are some of my favorites. <.g>
JC Chasez Mennonite (For once, a topic I actually *did discuss), lesbian hermione granger ginny weasley (Hmm, wonder if they found anything good?), buffy dawn incest slash (ack! LOL), fucking in baby doll pajamas (What on earth are they looking for here? LOL), several variations on harry and hermione shippers (NOOOOOO!!!!! LOL They must have been sorely disappointed), and many requests for Zenon music. Which I don't have, sadly, but if you want to find Zoom Zoom Zoom or Protozoa, go to and find their movie page. They have the songs there. <.g> A lot of people also seem to find me by searching for Sean Biggerstaff, which is fun. But that JC one was my first nsync hit that I saw. Amazing, with all the talking I do about them and Lance! LOL
We have snow!!!!! : )
Kate and I did a lot of our nsync things last night...listened to the CD, watched Making the Tour and Live from Madison Square Garden. We were up until 1 with the last one. <.g> Which led, of course, to nsync dreams. Nothing with them, really, but it was this really weird, involved dream about some guy who had moved into our basement and was ready to kill us to get the whole house to himself, and kept uploading false nsync news to my watch to try and throw me offbalance so I wouldn't come after him. But I just kinda shrugged off whatever he was saying, and dragged Kate and Aarti with me to go after him. I think this is what I get for watching that much nsync and then reading a few chapters of a murder mystery before bed. <.g>
So, with all the nsync stuff and Chili's for dinner, I only got half my reading done. So I need to finish that, run the morning errands (which is why I'm up this early on a Saturday. LOL), and then I'll have the rest of the weekend to write and watch JC and Justin on MMC. <.g> I'm excited. LOL
Whooo, I got an interview!! For the language producation lab research assistant. I'm really excited. I just have to find Beckman. <.giggle>
TRL showed nsync's Chili's commericals. We were laughing SO HARD! LOL I loved JC with the Australian accent, and giggling as he had to contort his arm to keep the bug on camera. <.g> Also cute was Justin taking over the song, and Chris throwing his earphones down and looking ready to strangle him before storming out. And then take two, where Justin got SO into the song that he grabbed JC's shirt and yanked him right up into his face to sing to, while Joey had to drape himself over JC to extricate him. <.giggle> It was just too adorable and silly for words.
Now back to reading. LOL
Time for the Friday Five!
1. What do you have your browser start page set to?
Blogger <.g> It's just easiest.
2. What are your favorite news sites?
I don't really have one....I get most of mine from AOL and their top news page by defualt. <.g>
3. Favorite search engine?
Google! I'm there every day.
4. When did you first get online?
Let's see...freshman year in HS. So, I believe that would be April 1996. I quickly found the General Hospital boards, found the Angels, and found Krissy!
5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?
See below post. LOL Writing, writing, and nsync. Very exciting.
Straightened up my room a bit, and feeling much better. <.g> Garbage is out, floor is cleaned off, bed is made, it's all good. I like having only one class on Fridays....this week, it's like a four day weekend! LOL So what do I have to do this weekend? Let's see....
Read for the week
Review 376 for this last week
Write a story for Tuesday (ACK!!!!! Anyone have ideas? LOL I don't think I can hand in my current one. ;) )
Go with Kate to cancel the money grubbing Jazzercise people
Ask Kate if we can, at that time, stop at the train station to buy me tickets for my play the 25th.
Pay the cable bill
Watch all of Kate's nsync DVDs and stuff. <.g>
I think that's managable! I'll give myself a break until after GH and start reviewing and reading at 3ish. Then I'll take a nice little walk to the mailbox. We can't do the Jazzercise and train station until tomorrow morning, so that leaves three days to write a story and have an nsync day. I'm excited. <.g>
I went on another downloading streak today...oh, that's another thing to add to my list. Install my new rewritable CD drive. <.g> Anyway, yeah...I downloaded John Mellancamp's Beautiful World, which I love. Then I realized it features India.Arie, who I've heard a lot about. So I downloaded some of her songs, and *love them. I really want that CD. I need to clear off a lot of space on my harddrive if I'm going to keep with the downloading thing, though. LOL I already planned to get 700MB of pictures and stories onto CD, which will help. And maybe I can make some CDs of my MP3s and delete a bunch of those off. Even though it's kinda fun having such a mix on my computer. <.g> We'll see, I guess. And I was considering uninstalling all of my Sims programs and reinstalling them to get some more space. Most of the fun for me is setting up homes and stuff, and old games get pretty damn stalled. But I'd miss my SimSlutSelf and SimJoey. <.g> I guess that's another "we'll see." LOL
I do love my writing class. LOL We had to go around and say something interesting or a story idea or dialogue snippet from the maps we had done for today. And I was like "ACK!!!" because he has said that he didn't expect us to come up with story ideas from it. So I was nervous and just babbled, but he noticed my pages and had me hold up my sheets as examples of exactly what they should look like. <.g> So I felt least I was half way there. LOL Par for my course. <.g> Also very cool is that before class, half of us had our noses buried in books! Usually I'm the only one reading before classes start. <.giggle>
Dude, Kerry has brown hair. I liked the red.
Kate, Aarti and I just finished watching Model Behavior on Disney...Justin's movie. LOL It was pretty cute. I'd only seen the last half hour before, now I've seen the last hour. <.g>
Awwww, Sandy kissed Kerry! I thought that was going to happen. <.g> I hope it works out for them... Kerry was so happy last week with her.
OKkay, I'm trying to map ideas and stuff. his example was "jeans -->little boy -->courderoy," so I'm thinking that my slightly bizarre "road trip -->Lance -->movies -->AMC -->Remember WENN -->WW2 -->teen magazines" is okay, right? Because his only makes sense to him and mine only makes sense to me. <.g> Hope I'm doing this right, anyway! I never had to do this before. I tested out of all those basic writing classes...
There's Kim eating those Ruffles! LOL Now I have a taste for sour cream and onion ruffles. LOL
I totally forgot that I needed to buy a composition book thingie for writing tonight...ack! LOL I have to do that after my class, and spend some time mapping out random connecty ideas. Should be fun. LOL
Today's my long day...11-6:15. Okay, so I have a break from 1-3, and 4:20-5, but still. <.g> I'll be using that time today to get the comp book, do that assignment, and maybe work on my story. Should be fun. LOL
Ruffles!!!!! I'm watching ER reruns on TNT, and Ruffles is on!!!! Whoooo!! I'm gonna be watching this a lot more now. <.g>
The End for XF. Wow...I'm proud of Chris Carter. Although, really, if he wanted to go out on top, last season or the one before was the way to do it. <.g> But still, this is a good time for the show to end. Hopefully David will come back for the finale, and give Mulder and Scully a wonderful, happy send off. Or at least one together. ; )
Wow, Lance got to run with the Olympic Torch! That has to be the coolest thing for him. Kevin Richardson did too, according to VH1 this morning. Mom says they both raised money for the Olympics. Very cool indeed. How exciting would that be?
Okay, I did my homework. I think it's time for bed. If I sleep it off, take vitamins, and drink juice, I will not get whatever thing Sarah has and seems to want to pass around, right? Right. <.g>
Emode is just as dangerous as eBay. This is the Open Book test.
Stop the presses -- you're a Hardcover!
Your score shows how much you value your privacy. Your emotions aren't out there in broad circulation -- you prefer to keep them hidden on the shelf. Clearly, there are many "chapters" of your life kept off-limits, even from close friends. This strategy can keep you from getting hurt by others, but there's a downside, too. With less intimacy, you might feel that your personal relationships are not very satisfying. It can be difficult for some people to open up to others, but perhaps you should choose a couple of chapters that aren't too personal and try sharing them with a close friend. Dust off that old volume and open it up -- you may find that your friend responds in a very positive way.
Somewhat right. Which makes sense since I kept answering everything with "somewhate true" or "somewhat false." LOL
Following Krissy, took the emode personality test.
Rina, you're an Observer!
Your personality is actually determined by two personality sub-types — your primary, or dominant sub-type, and your secondary sub-type. You are an Observer which means you are a Discreet / Golden. Your primary sub-type is defined by "Discreet" characteristics and your secondary sub-type is defined by "Golden" characteristics.
You like television. At parties, you lounge around on couches and watch other people flirt and act stupid. But at the same time, you're happy enough to go along with the group. You don't like drawing attention to yourself — red platform shoes or flamboyant, sequined outfits are out of the question. A perfect evening for you means a cozy chat with a good friend and a pint of Haagen-Dazs.
Yup, that sounds just about right. <.g> In fact, it sounds about exactly right...I think that's exactly what Gen and I were doing at Kate and Meghan's party. LOL
Ugh. Sarah's sick, Aarti said today she wasn't feeling all that well, Kate's all headachy, and I feel like crap. Not a good way to start the semester. <.g> I've been ready to fall asleep for an hour now. I have to make it to 9, though, to watch WW with mom. After that, I think I'll beg out and go to sleep.
Does anyone have three aspects of their philosophy of education they would like to share with me in the meantime? : )
Wishlists are fun. <.g>
My goodness. There is a squirrel menage a trois going on on my balcony! LOL Well, it alternates between that and chasing each other in circles. It's kind of amusing. <.g>
I love love love my EdPsych class. Let's put it this way...we started out with a wine tasting excercise. LOL And we saw clips from movies like Ferris Bueller, too. He says he likes to start out each class with a movie clip. Not going to complain. LOL We'll see how the discussion is tomorrow...that's two hours, as opposed to the one hour lecture.
Oh, geez. Miggie had to go and say that the nsync fantasy phone is half off on Amazon. ARGH! LOL It looks so damn cute and fun, and if the other guys' calls are as fun as Lance's, then I'm in trouble. I so cannot buy this. Don't let me anywhere near amazon, okay guys? Please? LOL I love the description on the page, though. And I'm comforted by the review from a 24 year old who loves it. I mean, c'mon...nsync magic 8 balls? LOL So cute. Okay, leaving that page now. LOL
Time for Trading Spaces!! I've missed that this week. : ) And awww, I got mail from Kate's grandparents. <.g> They're cool. LOL
Wow, I just read for almost 2 hours. ::blinks:: It did not seem that long. How on earth can it be 10pm already? LOL The book for 376 is actually not bad, especially compared to last sem's. It was pretty interesting, actually...talking a lot about the people who have shaped the field. I was pretty interested throughout. And the last 45 minutes was spent with my books for the writing class...totally cool. Although I'm nervous about writing a story for class next week! Ugh, I need ideas. LOL
I think this is Kevin Richardson on whatever talk show is preceding Xena on, he has bushy eyebrows. LOL Oh, this is Daily Remix. But yeah, he looks like Bert, but with long hair. <.g>
Johnny found me a few more details on Lance's new's called Mama's Boy, about a nice guy next door, it's filming this summer, and he's the lead. Which would explain a two month tour only. It's apparently a first time writer, which I think is exactly does one get a script to Lance? <.g>
Okay, so I'm not a fountain of knowledge or anything. LOL But it's something to keep an eye on. I only hope that he's gotten some acting lessons, and the editors don't butcher the hell out of the final product. I loved On the Line, but it's more the affectionate liking that you have for a project that a, stars someone you like and b, kinda feel bad for because it could have been better. LOL
I feel like getting some reading done for classes this week. Tomorrow, I actually have to be up to get to my 10am. LOL
I am SO going to love my writing class! There's only 18 of us, and everyone is so much fun, including the teacher. We had to go around and say something interesting about us. Some of them were hysterical, like the guy who said, "This morning, I had a full head of light brown curls. Then I went to the butchers over on Greene, asked for half an inch off, and came out with this helmet." <.g> It was really close cropped, and not at all curly. LOL Poor guy. <.g> Then there's this study abroad student from Scotland who's pretty cute. I love his accent. LOL So we have to write four stories, the first of which is due a week from today. Eeek! <.g> Then the rest of the three will be workshopped by the class and him, and those will be done every 3 weeks. I think it's going to be a lot of fun, with a great group of people, and I can't wait for Thursday!
Whooo, my meeting is done! And it was SO was seriously 3 minutes long. She was really nice, though...all I had to do was sign a contract that my grades wouldn't be so low this semester, and that was it. All I had to do was tell her that it was the cadaver class, and she said she understood completely. Apparerently, I'm not the first person to fail it. LOL Then I headed to the seems like the one job I found might already be filled, but i'll e-mail just in case. The woman didn't speak English well and didn't seem to know anything for sure. I'll also call the other libraries that are hiring and see what's up there.
Speech path 1 is going to be a fun class...Dr. Johnson isn't teaching it, though. : ( That's sad. But I do like the teacher we ended up's all about articulation and phonation and stuff, so I'll even like the class. Whooo! LOL 30 minutes until I leave for my narrative writing class...hope that goes as well. : )
Wow. My brother had an absolutely HORRID speech session said he was so bad, throwing things and hollering. So what was his therapists reaction? She invited Josh over on Friday to make milkshakes and watch videos with her. She says that she and Josh need to do some fun things together so that he'll enjoy going to speech with her. I love her. What a neat thing to do.
Oh, mom says we get snow tomorrow...I only get an inch, while they're in 2-4. No fair!
LOL! I'm watching Xena on Oxygen, and there was just another commerical for a talk show. The guy was like, "I wake up and think of Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears. They wake up and breathe and make three million dollars. I'm in the wrong profession." <.g> Then the woman starts singing like them, and it was hysterical because it was so bad and just basically "Oh oh oh oh," but sounded just like Genie in a Bottle. LOL
You know, I love having mornings free, but I have nothing to do! LOL There isn't anything to read yet, or work on. So I'm reading Xena fic....Mel and Janice. I've been reading boyslash almost exclusively for the last month or so, which means it's time for some femslash. <.g> And Mel and Janice are set in the 1940s with archeology, which I love. You know, speaking of 1940s femslash...weren't some of my friends writing Hilaryslash at some point? Biz? Jennie? I seem to remember, oh, Maple, perhaps, being involved? Hell, I'd go for more Susan, too. C'mon, we're the only slash writers in the fandom! We need to write more. And since I'm already working on a story (not WENN, but it's still a story), you guys need to jump in. <.giggle>
LOL My roommate just ran up the stairs, grumbling. I asked if she forgot her keys again, but no, it was her shoes. LOL Only her. <.g>
Yay, Miggie moved to tripod! Very nifty, my dear. : ) And there, she posted yet another quiz. So here we go:
What Psych-Ward do you belong to?
<.g> Fun.
Ugh...I woke up with this cut on my finger, and it really hurts. I can't think of *anything in my bed that would attack me! LOL Very bizarre.
Let's see, what do I have to do today? I have a class at 3, with Dr. Johnson (YAY!), and my writing class at 5. Much fun. But I also have my appointment with the Dean at 2. Not fun. Lauren said hers was a ten minute conversation, telling her to go to see Kathi. I'm hoping for something similar, as I have class at 3 and I think this Huff Hall is kinda far. Knowing me, I'll probably leave abominably early to get there, and be stuck with nothing to do. LOL
I'm watching the Daily Show, where they're talking about Bush and his pretzel incident. I kinda feel bad for the man...I would not want that knowledge public. LOL I mean, passing out by choking on a pretzel, bruising his face and lip? You'd at least hope for something a little more exotic. <.g>
Ugh, guess I better get dressed and stuff. Probably eat. I didn't do enough of the eating thing yesterday. LOL Tomorrow I'm back to the 10am class thing, and out by 2:30, which will be nice. But I have to get through today first. LOL
I like quizzes. They make me happy! Fun stuff.
Angel and Cordy SO have to get together.
Angel gave Cordy Connor to hold, and she cuddles him. Wes and the others walk towards them with her presents.
Cordy: Oh, dilemma! Birthday presents or cute little baby face? (coos at Connor) (then, to Angel) Take the baby.
Angel: You're choosing presents over my kid?
<.giggle> He has such a cool deadpan delivery. I love Angel as a dad! I love Connor. Angel and Cordy need to get together soon, damn it. LOL
Whooo, I found two jobs that I might be able to get!
Number one:
Description: Student needed to work as a paid research assistant. Job duties include recruiting and scheduling subjects for studies, running study sessions, data entry, photocopying, filing, and other clerical duties. Psychology major preferred. Job is for spring semester, but may continue through the summer if the student wishes. Student MUST be dependable and reliable and have experience with Microsoft Word and Excel.
Number two:
You will be required to work one 8 pm - midnight shift. The Circ Desk needs energetic, detail-oriented students to work with patrons at the desk, and to retrieve, barcode, and sort books.
Cool, huh? Of course, the library one is only $5.85/hour, but they're both 8-10 hours, and the library can be more. Which I can definitely work into my schedule. So I sent off an e-mail to the psych lady to set up an interview, and I'll stop at the library tomorrow to apply for that job. I'm excited.
Ugh. First day of classes and I'm already tired and grumpy. LOL Maybe I'll just close my door and read for awhile. It's not really that classes were bad. They weren't. 376 might not be so least, once he fixes the mic problem that caused feedback after EVERY SENTENCE. A big part of the grade is a term paper, on any topic relating to speech science, and I'm kinda excited about that. I'm pretty confident about my writing skills. So that's okay, once I get past the fact that he bores me greatly. And then my other class was language disorders...I kinda like the teacher. I think she's nice, and seems to know what she's talking about. I hadn't been thrilled with her, but then she was talking about this one kid she tested, and her reaction to the incompetance of many teachers cracked me up, because it's exactly what mine and mom's is....clutch at the wall and groan. LOL The class isn't going to be much new information...I've pretty much picked up a lot of it over the last few years. But in February, one day, we're talking AAC. WHOOO! Happy me. And it's only once a week, so not bad.
So why am I grumpy? Not a fucking clue. UGH. But I am.
This was fun, though...from Brendan. (Who I just realized likes JC. LOL Cool.)
Now that's a resolution I can get behind. Anyone want to be seduced? You can be at the top of the list.
From Miggie. <.g>
You will marry CHRISTIAN (played by Ewan McGregor) from Moulin Rouge, live in a sparkling elephant at the Moulin Rouge, and spend your days righting wrongs and singing songs because all you need is love (and it helps that it's Ewan McGregregor you're living with ^_^).
What's YOUR M * A * S * H future?
Whooo! Works for me. <.g>
Okay, found a picture of JC's hair. LOL Lance is also freaking ADORABLE in this, which is a huge plus. I still crack up at JC's acceptance speech, though....I want to thank... people... yes... because... yes! <.g>
<.giggle> to Miggie, who posted about JC's hair at about the same time I did. With a different picture than mine, so go check it out!
Whoooo!!! Scheduled my appointment! The lady was super nice...I got in tomorrow at 2pm. Now I just have to find Huff Hall. LOL
Now I can relax! I have class at 1, but I have to stop at the bank first. So I'll leave around 11:45 or 12, and I can walk around the quad to waste time. Now, gee, what can I do for the next 2.5 hours? LOL
So Kate and I watched the People's Choice awards last night. We had thought nsync was performing Girlfriend, but when only three showed up (the best three, mind you. <.g>), we figured it wouldn't happen. LOL So we were waiting for the category where they were nominated. We were on my bed doing my origami calendar (samurai turtles <.g>), when we heard something like "bands." We froze. As the presenter kept talking, we slowly turned our heads to the TV. By the time they started describing the bands, I leapt up to hit record just as Kate flew off into her room. LOL Of course, the boys won, and they came up on stage. Um. JC's hair? I need to find a snap of it. It's a GIRL'S hair cut. It's just about the hair cut that I asked for a few weeks ago and didn't get. <.g> I mean, it's cute, obviously....fluffy bangs, kicky ends. It's just a girl's hairstyle. <.g> And poor JC really needs to learn how to stand there and look pretty. Talking just isn't his gig. LOL Even Lance was making fun of him. Oh, but Lance looked hot...his hair is dark again! And he was wearing black silk. Yum. Chris looked great, but he REALLY needs to cut off those little pointy things on his chin. He's starting to look ridiculous. <.g>
I'm waiting to call the assistant dean this morning. <.sigh> Yuck. Lauren says all she says to do is call Kathi, our advisor, so I don't know why I can't just do that. But call Ms. Bloom I shall. And be totally freaked out nervous about it, too. I was fine for the last two weeks, just set on getting it done, but now I'm nervous. Probably because it's time to make a call and I hate making calls. Blech. So I shall take a shower and get ready and then call. Wish me luck!
Following Kate and Miggie, I found my anthem:
![]() | My anthem is: "Electro-Shock Blues," by Eels. I'm a very giving person, which means I frequently cut myself short. Everyone sees me as being perfectly alright, without any huge problems of my own, but I beg to differ. Even when I ask for help, no one really believes me... I'm trying, but it's not easy. Find out what YOUR anthem is HERE! |
I think I want to find this song...
I know it's not Friday anymore, but I wanna do this anyway. LOL
1. What was your first job?
I was a page in the children's library in WS. Most of the time, I shelved books (and read them). LOL Sometimes I got to help out with storytime and stuff, though.
2. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
2. LOL His name was Chris. Then when I was 5, it was Michael, and then Danny when I was 6. I bloomed early and faded quickly.
3. What was your first car? What happened to it?
'98 Ford Escort. It's "pacific blue" and I totally love it. We still have it. Eventually, I will drive it. (I have no less than FOUR people determined to get me my license this summer. Bobbi, Ruth, Sue (my brother's PT!! LOL), and my uncle Bobby. He was like, "I'm the professional driver in the family. [He drives a truck.] She'll get her license. She wants to drive trucks? We'll do that too. Motorcycles? Not a problem. She'll have every license known to man if she wants it." <.g>)
4. What was your first concert?
Okay, take a look at all my nsync things on my blog. Ready? Backstreet Boys.
5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?
I spent it with my mom, mostly. Dad was at a retreat all day yesterday, so it was just the three of us. Mom is still reeling from the cancer scare, and is pretty emotional. She keeps telling me that she couldn't have gotten through it without me, I was a rock, etc etc etc. She's pretty upset that I had to leave so soon, so we spent all day yesterday together, hanging out and stuff. It was pretty fun. : ) We capped it off with a sleepover in her was a Trading Spaces marathon on TLC and we had fun laughing at Genevieve. <.g>
Back at school! Yay! I'm happy to be back. : )
I'm also happy that I talked to Lauren...she too, failed A&P, 375. But she came down early to talk to the dean and our advisor, and she found out we can still take 376. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really excited. I can so easily fit in just one extra class next semester, I'm sure of it. Lauren's considering changing her major, though. : ( I'm really going to miss her if she does, but I think she's so brave to make the change. I really wish I could do that. But I can't take an extra year here. <.sigh> So, no. Maybe after I make the huge bucks as a private SLP, I can come back to school and major in something I want to, like English or education. I think I'd like that. : )
I got fun stuff today! I'm such an nsync nerd. I got the piano book for Celebrity, so I can teach myself how to play the songs. I'm pretty excited, actually...I don't think I'm going to have a problem learning most of them. Which is cool. <.g> I also got an nysnc memo pad, but I can't seem to find it. <.pout> Lance was all cute and draped over Justin and JC. Then, at Border's for only $3, I got a CD of their old interviews and stuff. LOL It looks fun. So, my room is all nsyncified...I got the poster, calendar, camera, barbie, piano book, and the CDs are still out. It's kinda scary. LOL I better stop buying things. <.g>
Oh, but at the store, I found a whole bunch of new nsync cards. When I was shopping for Kate's, most stores didn't have any, and all that was available was NSA-era ones. Now it's Celebrity! Wish I had an excuse to buy them. ; ) They had some cool ones...Justin and Chris for birthdays, and several blank. One was my favorite grey cloudy sky one, and then there were actually a few shots I hadn't seen before. I love reading the facts on the back, and one of them was that among the five of them, there are 9 piercings. So I started counting. LOL Justin has two, right? One in each ear. I think Joey has three in his ears, plus one in his eyebrow. That's 6. So does Chris also have three? Or are they counting JC's really old one from MMC? I think Lance is the only one that hasn't had a piercing. That we know about, anyway. <.g>
Um, thinking that's enough mindless ramble for now! LOL Time to make my bed and put up some new pictures. <.giggle>
My mom's okay!!! It's not cancer!! Just benign tumors. She has to go in every six months to make sure they don't move or grow, but she should be fine! WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! What a total, all-encompassing relief. We totally screamed and jumped. My break was a stress-filled, emotionally draining mess for NO REASON! YYYYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!! I get to go back to school!! WHOO-HOO!!!
Hee hee!! Found this quiz, find your nsync soulmate. Scarily enough, I could sometimes figure out which answer went to which boy. Sadly, each time, I knew Lance's and it wasn't my answer. LOL Kate had just signed off, so I made my poor Jennie girl take it with me Her's was JC. LOL Still waiting for mine...I needed a tie breaker between Joey and JC. LOL Gosh, it better hurry up! I'm exhausted. I was Josh's snuggle buddy last night, since he tends to flop and hug and hook during sleep, and mom couldn't risk him hitting her chest...she was SO sore. Still is. The needle they used on the right side was, like, the size of a straw around, she said. Very painful. So I was with him, and that meant that every half hour or so I would wake up and remind him to turn on his side, 'cause that's how he needs to sleep. Which means I didn't get much sleep. LOL
Oh, and for those raising eyebrows at my lyrics in the sidebar...I am on a Boogie Shoes kick. LOL I love that song, and it always makes me happy and dancy! So I've been singing and dancing with KC for days. Pretty silly. <.g>
Oh, finally! My soulmate is Joey. Time for bed. <.g>
Yay!!!! Blogger is back! People have been having a party in my comments section. *giggle*
I am having SUCH AOL problems. It's absolutely horrid. I think my 7.0 might have corrupted. My favorites went poof, I don't get images or text on my welcome screen, I can't access my e-mail. It's a total mess. At least I can sign on and IM still, though. Except, oddly, when I IM, I don't see my screen name. It's like :hi Kate instead of Rina:hi Kate. Kinda obnoxious. I mean, I know I know my IM name, but still! LOL
Tomorrow is the day of reckoning...we get mom's biopsy results back. We were kinda freaking out today, which translated into a lot of eating. Healthy? No. But when the tests come back negative, I'll start working out again with Kate in a few days. <.g> Please, God, let the tests come back negative. Sure, I'll have been gypped an entire winter break that was definitely NOT a break from stress. But I will gladly tease mom forever and ever about this horrid break as long as it was all for nothing. I want this stress and worry and unhappiness to be for absolutely no reason so we can laugh at how foolish and reactionary we were. 'Cause there's nothing wrong.
Happy stuff. OKay. oooh! Elton and Justin are gonna be on TRL tomorrow for the premiere of Elton's new video, which stars, of course, Justin. I'm super excited. I LOVE Elton John. I grew up listening to his music. I still regret that I didn't go to his concert freshman year...I know that I would have LOVED it. Hopefully I'll get another chance, either with this tour, or his next one. He's one of the top concerts I would die to see. I'd easily go see Elton over nsync, any day of the week. <.g> Which isn't to say that I hope to be put in that position. *g*
Um, what else? West Wing last night was phenomenal, although it was kinda like, "Um, that's IT?" LOL The whole MS thing is resolved now? I hope not. Also, I'm glad my JoshDonna list went all fic, or else my mailbox would be flooded with death threats to both Aaron and the fictional Amy. LOL I don't mind Josh/Amy, although I do prefer Josh/Joey or Josh/Donna. Oh, well....they're cute. <.g> I loved Charlie giving POTUS the totally cool. Although I wonder how he got such a treasure at a flea market on his salary. I kept expecting someone to point out that it was fake, rather than the nonexistance of Israel. <.g> Oh, and ER tonight was fantastic...poor Carter. And geez, what a birthday for Abby. Ouch. Douglas made me cry. I loved loved loved Kerry so playful with Sandy...she wasn't even that cute with Ruffles. I can't wait to see what Sandy does next week. Should be good.
Hmmm, guess that's it. I hope to God that I can come on tomorrow and give you all the wonderful news that my mother is fine and healthy and is merely worried about how she's going to stay sane with me away at school. <.giggle>
My mom is SUCH a cute closet nsync fan. Like on Friday, we were just driving down the road from Josh's SLP session, with Sesame Street Fire Safety playing, not talking at all, and she suddenly comes out with "So, Chris went to college?" I'm thinking, "Chris? Christine? Kristine? Do I know other Chris's?" So I ask her who she's talking about and it is, of course, Chris Kirkpatrick. LOL Then on Wednesday, after drinking a bit, she informed me quite seriously that Justin is her favorite, because he's the best singer and dancer. AHHH! LOL I asked her again when she was sober and her answer stayed the same. And then, today over breakfast, she was telling me excitedly about the MADTV spoof of them she watched last night. I MUST get a hold of this! It sounds hysterical...Lance had his Hollywood grin on 24/7...his expression never changed. He's at war, holding a dying soldier with a grin, "Don't die, mister! Don't die." LOL Justin was played by a girl, she couldn't rememeber what Joey did, and I forgot Chris and JC. LOL But it sounded SO funny!
Daddy and I hit Border's today, where I spent my gift card, to my mother's dismay. She was like, "Why didn't you let him buy it? You were supposed to save it!" Well, coulda told me that.
Hmmm, not much to say. Kristine, I hope you feel better, and Kate, I'm glad you're back! {{HUGS}} to you both.